Author page: lingesm

IVF & IUI are not suitable for Uterine Malformations such as Unicornuate, Bicornuate, Didelphys.

IVF and IUI are some of, if not the most common assistive reproductive technologies (ART), but nowadays it is being blindly recommended for several medical conditions that do not fit its indications. IVF and IUI are not treatment methods, they simply assist in the process of conceiving and do nothing for the underlying causes. A uterine malformation is considered an…

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Uterine Unification Surgery – Antai Hospital’s Specialty Treatment for Uterine Malformations

Uterine Unification Surgery – Antai Hospital’s Treatment for Uterine Malformations Uterine malformations are Mullerian abnormalities that have a significant negative impact on reproductive outcomes. Uterine Malformations that can be treated include uterine bicornuate, uterine unicornuate, uterine hypoxia & uterine didelphys. These uterine malformations can be diagnosed via a standard Hysterosalpingography, also known as uterosalpingography. Uterine Unification Surgery, also known as…

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Laparoscopic Surgery During Pregnancy

In cases of fibroids, adenomyosis lesions, cysts that are diagnosed during pregnancy, there are available management methods such as Laparoscopy, to remove them without affecting the pregnancy. However, it relies crucially on when this surgery is conducted, and as a rule of thumb, the sooner it is conducted, the better. However, many hospitals recommend surgery only after week 14 of…

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Unicornuate Uterus Treatment – Antai Hospital

Unicornuate Uterus Treatment: Uterine Reconstructive Surgery A Unicornuate Uterus is a rare form of congenital uterine malformation, also known as a Mullerian Duct Abnormality. It is a result of abnormal embryological development, specifically the abnormal development of the uterus within the first trimester of the fetus, causing the fetus to develop a half-formed uterus with a single fallopian tube and…

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Recurrent Miscarriage Treatment: Guaranteed Recovery at Antai

Full Contractual Treatment Recurrent Miscarriage Up to 80% of recurrent miscarriages (RSA) are caused by an underlying immunological factor, that in most hospitals is considered unexplainable or untreatable. This type of miscarriage happens repeatedly due to the patient having a history of induced abortions, most commonly a D&C or medical abortion. During this process, fetal tissues enter into the mother’s…

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PCOS, Miscarriage & Management

PCOS known as Poly-Cystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition where the ovaries develop multiple cysts (follicles) due to the presence of Leydig cells within the ovaries, leftover during the early development of the ovaries. Instead of releasing and maturing one follicle at a time, multiple follicles are developing at the same time, causing them to develop into multiple cysts embedded…

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Hyperemesis Gravidarum-10x Pregnancy Losses: Patient Story

Hyperemesis Gravidrarum Story from Mdm Ma Hyperemesis Gravidarum is considered a neurological disorder of the central nervous system, a consequence of the HCG-Chemoreceptors being hypersensitized in the CTZ (chemoreceptor trigger zone). Today, we discuss one of our recent patient cases of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. This patient Mdm Ma, 34 had a history of 11 consecutive pregnancy losses, all of which related…

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Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Heartburn Symptom

Hyperemesis & Heartburn Hyperemesis Gravidarum is considered a neurological disorder of the central nervous system, a consequence of the HCG-Chemoreceptors being hypersensitized in the CTZ (chemoreceptor trigger zone). A systemic central sensitization is triggered within the mother, continuously activating many muscarinic acetylcholine receptors M1 that are distributed in postganglionic nerves, common in several exocrine glands and the CNS. As we…

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Covid-19 is not solely a virus, but a “new species” entirely!

Open Letter to Prime Minister Lee Dear Prime Minister Lee, I write this letter with deep concern towards the current state & development of Singapore. Clearly, Singapore is ahead in the fight against Covid-19, and I have a few recommendations that I would like to contribute to this fight, in restoring travel, societal and economic stability back to Singapore. My…

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