What is an early miscarriage and what can you do? – Antai Hospital

What is an Early Miscarriage?

Early miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy which happens during the first trimester (3 months), resulting in the expulsion of the foetus and attachments (umbilical cord, amniotic fluid and placenta) from the maternal body. Under this type of miscarriage, the foetus is observed to be under-developed and malnourished, accompanied with the mother experiencing symptoms of abdominal pains and heavy uterine bleeding.

 Before having a child or conceiving, we highly recommend you to seek proper diagnosis and treatment to prevent such incidents from occurring.

What are the causes of Early Miscarriage? 

Common causes to early miscarriage:

  1. Abnormal foetal chromosomes.
  2. Maternal abnormalities.
  • Immunological factors: Examples are presence of anti-foetal antibodies in the mother’s blood, blood type incompatibility between foetus and mother, all of which may lead to a miscarriage.
  • Endocrine Factors: Low hormonal secretions from the corpus luteum and the thyroid gland etc will lead to a miscarriage during early pregnancy.
  • Abnormalities in the morphology in the reproductive systems: Examples of uterine malformation such as unicornuate uterus, uterine didelphys, bicornuate uterus, uterine septum.
  • Factors caused by traumatic injuries: Intrauterine adhesions, uterine surgery trauma, excessive sexual intercourse, impact of external force etc.
  • Sickness/disease: examples are influenza virus infection, acute mycoplasma chlamydia infection, high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart disease etc.
  1. Unhealthy lifestyles, bad environments and exposure to harmful substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, lead, formaldehyde etc may lead to a miscarriage.
  1.  Diagnosing early miscarriage: Colposcopy, Vaginal 4D Color Ultrasonography, Dynamic Digital Hysterofallopian Tubal Iodography, Uterine Relaxation Test, Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay Hormone, Trifecta, Anti-Embryonic Antibody, etc.
  1. Treatment procedure for early miscarriages.

Note: In the case of early miscarriages, Antai hospital will only proceed with contractual treatment upon clear diagnosis and confirming the cause of the miscarriage.

  1. If you are diagnosed with a confirmed presence of anti-paternal antibodies in the maternal body, immunotherapy vaccine treatment will be recommended.
  2. If you are diagnosed with endocrine hormone deficiency, hormonal therapy will be recommended to replenish and stabilize the deficient hormonal levels. 
  3. If you are diagnosed with an abnormal morphology of the uterine structure (examples: unicornuate uterus, uterine didelphys, bicornuate uterus, uterine septum etc), a minor uterine readjustment surgery (conducted with micro-laparoscopy and dents) will be recommended.
  4. If you are diagnosed with intra-uterine injuries, the adhesions could be decomposed and treated with pear-shaped stent and endometrial activation
  5. Other maternal complications require treatment of the primary disease and elimination of all other adverse external factors.

Symptoms of recurrent miscarriages

Common early symptoms that can be observed are vaginal bleeding accompanied by recurrent pains in the lower abdomen. Vaginal bleeding may occur between a few days to a few weeks, with the abdominal pain increasing gradually over time. The heavier the bleeding, the more pain you will experience in your lower abdomen. 

In any case, if any form of vaginal bleeding is observed during pregnancy, we advise you not to prolong it any longer and seek medical consultation immediately. These are all everyday-signs that we can keep an eye out for our loved ones for an early diagnosis. 

If not treated properly, the amniotic sac carrying the fetus can be observed protruding and, in some severe cases, even blocking the already dilated cervix. Such cases all inevitably lead to a miscarriage. If the pregnancy tissue is partially expelled from the mother’s body, it is called a partial miscarriage. If the pregnancy tissue is wholly removed from the mother’s body, it is called a complete miscarriage.

If you want a detailed examination and diagnosis of early miscarriage, please arrange an appointment with us or an online consultation with us at Antai Hospital. Get in touch with us today!

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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