What do we specialize in? – Antai Hospital

Antai Hospital’s Specialization in 4 key treatment areas

Many of our patients are curious on what makes Antai Hospital a specialist in the field of miscarriage, infertility and pregnancy related diseases. Since the establishment of the hospital (2001) and the acquirement of the groundbreaking patented treatment and diagnostics for recurrent immunological miscarriage, we have since treated over 34000 patients with a success rate of 95%. Our doctor, researchers, nurses and all medical staff have pushed Antai Hospital to the forefront of innovation in treatments of difficult and rare pregnancy diseases that affect many, securing pregnancies for several tens of thousands of pregnancies. With Antai Hospital, you can secure yourself a healthy, natural pregnancy too.

Antai Hospital is also the first and only hospital in the world that offers a commitment system for our patient’s treatment outcome: with a full refund guaranteed if treatment satisfaction is not achieved. This commitment system is the first of its kind in the world and conveys the authenticity and effectiveness of our responsibility and treatments, while also providing assurances to our patients. Another key philosophy to Antai Hospital’s success is ‘诊断不清,治疗不灵。诊断不全,治疗没完’, which means there cannot be an effective treatment if there is a lack of thorough diagnosis.

Medical Specialisation of Antai Hospital

Besides the treatment of standard gynaecological diseases, Antai offers highly specialised treatments for common but difficult-to-treat diseases as well as specialised labour techniques.

1. Patented Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion (RSA) Diagnosis and Treatment

Dr. Chen is an OBGYN expert with more than 38 years in the management of women’s reproductive health and pregnancy. He specializes in the field of RSA (recurrent spontaneous abortions) and has over 25 years of clinical experience within this field. He has tabulated up to 43 individual causes that can lead to recurrent miscarriage, all of which have their own individual treatments. Furthermore, Dr. Chen has discovered the cause, diagnosis, and treatment for the most common forms of RSA: Immunological Recurrent Miscarriage (>70%) and has been awarded international patents for his discovery. Dr. Chen is considered the pioneer that has solved the enigma of recurrent miscarriage and is currently the only medical institution that provides the patented diagnosis and treatment for immunological RSA.

2. Novel HPV-Infections Treatment (First of its kind)

Dr. Chen has discovered an innovative & effective treatment of both submucosal and subcutaneous HPV-Infections for men and women using a local ablation of a proprietary medication on the affected regions. The product is currently named 安太液, is easily administered with no side effects, no recurrence, and can effectively remove the HPV lesions present. Antai Hospital provides this treatment with full refund guarantee if treatment is unsatisfactory.

3. Water Birth Natural Delivery

Dr. Chen is the pioneer and the “Father of Water Birth” in China. He is the first doctor to introduce and popularise this delivery method in China, and as such Antai Hospital has become famous for offering water birth to its patients, which has benefits having very little to birth traumas and a much more relaxing and painless labour.

4. Hyperemesis Gravidarum (medical breakthrough)

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a severe pregnancy sickness that affects 1-3% of pregnant women with no current effective management worldwide. Dr. Chen’s ground-breaking proprietary medication: HCG-Desensitizer is highly effective in treating Hyperemesis over the past decade, with no side effects, and allows women to avoid terminating their pregnancy. He is the first person to introduce this potentially revolutionary effective treatment for Hyperemesis Gravidarum in Mainland China and intends to bring it forth to women all over the world. 

Antai Hospital is a committed and driven institution for the treatment of women’s health with a commitment system.

5. Uterine Reconstructive Surgery (Uterine Malformation)

Uterine malformations such as didelphys, septate, naive, unicornuate, bicornuate etc are deemed untreatable, and these patients are recommended to go for adoptions or surrogacy instead. At Antai Hospital, we provide specialized uterine metroplasty known as uterine reconstructive surgeries for all forms of uterine malformation, allowing you to sustain a healthy, fullterm pregnancy. Millions of women suffering from uterine malformations are simply told they cannot have natural pregnancies anymore, but that is not the case at Antai Hospital.

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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