Uterine Expansion Surgery: Unicornuate & Naive Uterus Treatment – Antai Hospital

To smoothly carry a baby to full term, some uterine anomalies or uterine malformations that come with a small uterine cavity require a specialized treatment offered at Antai: uterine expansion surgery to sustain full term natural pregnancies.

Uterine Expansion Surgery at Antai Hospital

Uterine anomalies can lead to late miscarriages because a uterus with an abnormality is not in a standard pear shape and size required for a perfect pregnancy. There will be some form of obstructions or deformity, resulting in the uterine cavity becoming far smaller than ideal. 

Antai Uterus Reconstruction Surgery

To smoothly carry a baby to full term, uterine anomalies must be treated by reconstructing the uterus to become a standard shape and size. Antai hospital provides uterus reconstruction treatment either via laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. All procedures are done with a cold knife (non-electrical knife) because it will prevent intrauterine scarring and adhesions. Depending on the anomaly, some uteruses require uterine expansion.

The end goal of the uterus reconstruction is to create a uterus with a shape and size ideal for pregnancy.


Uterus Malformations that require Uterine Expansion

Infantile Uterus: An infantile uterus has a womb to cervix ratio of 1:3. Parts of the cervix will be removed to become a normal length, and a uterus will be expanded. After the surgery, the womb to cervix ratio will become the standard 3:1. 

Unicornuate Uterus (no rudimentary horn): There are some unicornuate uterus that does not have a rudimentary horn attached. Since there is no horn that can be fused together to create a bigger uterine cavity, the surgeons will have to expand the cavity of the unicornuate uterus. 

Septate Uterus: The septate will first be removed with a cold knife before expanding the uterus.


  • The uterus reconstruction surgery can only be performed on patients who are not pregnant. 
  • Patients should only get pregnant about 6 months after the surgery.
  • The reconstruction surgeries require intrauterine pear-shaped stent and Antai bio-adhesion barrier to prevent post-surgical internal scarring and intrauterine adhesions. 

Watch our patient testimonial below:

Case: double uterus with a rudimentary horn. Cute Antai baby recounting his mother’s experience and treatment at Antai hospital. 

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.


  • Posted June 27, 2023
    by Gayatri Roy

    My daughter is 24+. She has hypoplastic uterus / naive uterus as diagnosed by the doctors of Kolkata, India. Any kind of menstruation cycle she has not been observed since birth till today. Doctor said both the uterus are rudimentary, but both the overies are all right. Please suggest me whether it is curable in the long run.

    • Posted October 7, 2023

      You can choose to have the uterine reconstructive surgery with us. The alternatives are having surrogate to carry her baby in the future since her ovaries are fully developed. for details, please kindly contact our customer service department from WhatsApp (65 93959792)? or via email, [email protected].

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