Understanding Miscarriage

How to save your pregnancy from a potential late miscarriage? – Antai Hospital

Where most hospitals cannot, Antai Hospital can save your pregnancy from late threatened miscarriages. We offer the most effective diagnosis and treatment to protect your pregnancy. If your pregnancy is between 14 – 28 gestational weeks and you have shown signs of a potential miscarriage, you may have faced a potential late threatened miscarriage. Threatened miscarriages are an emergency. If…

Can Duphaston Prevent Miscarriages? – Antai Hospital

Can Duphaston prevent miscarriage? Duphaston (Dydrogesterone) is a commonly administered medication that is used to prevent threatened early miscarriages and recurrent miscarriages. It is a medicine that contains progestin, which acts and function very similarly to the female reproductive hormone: Progesterone. Duphaston is highly effective when treating threatened miscarriages that are caused by low progesterone secretions by the mother. In…

Immunological Miscarriage: The most common form of Recurrent Miscarriage – Antai Hospital

Immunological factors and recurrent early miscarriage Introduction According to the patents published by Antai Hospital experts: US7674590B2; What most reproductive experts and doctors identify as “unexplained miscarriages” are mostly caused by immunological factors, also known as an immunological miscarriage. It remains unexplained by most experts due to a lack of research or specialisation in this area.  Furthermore, there also exists…

Ovarian Teratoma: Diagnosis & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Teratoma and Recurrent Early Miscarriage Teratoma is a type of dermoid ovarian cyst that contains fully developed tissue or organs such as bone, teeth, hair, etc. It is commonly found in the ovaries and is benign but still requires surgical removal. Some ovarian teratoma form during a pregnancy, originating from the abnormal development of one of 2 embryos (pregnant with…

Uterine Septate: An Introduction on Diagnosis & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Uterine septate is the condition where there is a presence of a convex ridge deformity growing from the uterine roof towards the uterine cavity. It is identified to be the excessive or remaining connective tissue’s structure leftover during the process of infusion of the uterine auxiliary mesonephric canal during the differentiation of the female genital tracts during the developmental stage…

Uterine Reconstructive Surgery for Uterine Malformation – Antai Hospital

Antai Hospital uses Uterus Reconstructive Surgery to effectively treat several different types of Uterine malformation, allowing you to have a healthy and safe pregnancy.  Uterus Reconstructive Surgery To Achieve Pregnancy With Antai Hospital Uterine Malformations are defined as congenital abnormalities during uterine development amongst women. Many of these uterine malformations do not have obvious symptoms but some severe ones include:…

Hyperemesis Gravidarum Treatment: Delivered To You – Antai Hospital

Introduction During pregnancy, up to 80% of women experience nausea and/or vomiting (N/V). For the majority of women, N/V resolves by the 16th week of pregnancy. A severe and prolonged form of N/V, hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), affects 0.3–2% of pregnancies. The criteria that define HG include dehydration, ketonuria, and more than 5% weight loss (Nelson-Piercy 1998) (McCarthy et al. 2014).…

Recurrent Miscarriage: Breakdown of Causes & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Recurrent Miscarriage – Breakdown of causes and treatment Recurrent miscarriage or Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions (RSAs) affect 1-3% of all couples in their pregnancy journeys. In 2020, the numbers are between the range of 10,000-15,000 people affected by this, and the data sees a linear progression, increasing as the years progress. Immunological factor (presence of anti-embryonic antibodies) Antai Hospital has discovered…

Bicornuate Uterus: Reconstructive Surgery For Healthy Pregnancy – Antai Hospital

Bicornuate Uterus: Diagnosis & Effective Surgical Management A normal uterus always bears a shape resembling a pear, during the process of embryonic development of the uterus, there is a fusion process known as the Mullerian Ducts fusion process,which also extends down to form the vagina. During the embryonic development process (embryogenesis), abnormalities that arise affect both sides of the fusion…

Adenomyosis: Effective Treatment At Antai Hospital

Introduction Adenomyosis is also known as endometriosis interna. Adenomyosis is a condition whereby tissues that were supposed to be lined inside the uterus grow on the muscular wall outside of the uterus. Symptoms of Adenomyosis Following are the symptoms of Adenomyosis: –          Excruciating menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) –          Heavy and prolonged bleeding during…

Do chromosomal abnormalities in couples cause the occurrence of recurrent miscarriages? – Antai Hospital

Do chromosomal abnormalities in couples cause the occurrence of recurrent miscarriages? The answer is NO because despite having genetic abnormalities, it does not mean that you are unhealthy. If you or your partner have been diagnosed by your doctors for having chromosomal abnormalities and have been advised to either give up on having children, seek adoption or surrogacy. We are…

Cervical Atresia Treatment: Explained – Antai Hospital

Introduction Cervical atresia is caused by the painless dilation of the cervix and the inability to lock in, causing the amniotic membrane to prolapse and resulting in a potential water rupture and subsequently, a miscarriage. This situation occurs in the midstof pregnancy, and will cause repeated abortion in the middle of pregnancy, also can be said to be late habitual…

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