Treatment for Late Threatened Miscarriages: Saving your pregnancy!

A threatened miscarriage means when a pregnant woman starts experiencing signs of a potential miscarriage. Both early and late threatened miscarriages share 2 distinct symptoms:

  • Vaginal Bleedings
  • Abdominal Pains

For a late threatened miscarriage (week 13 onwards), the mother predominantly experiences frequent abdominal pains at her low back, genital or hip areas, accompanied with small amounts of vaginal bleeding.

If you experience these symptoms, you are advised to go for an immediate check-up and receive treatment at your nearest maternity hospital as this is an emergency. If left untreated or delayed, your threatened miscarriage will develop into an inevitable miscarriage.

It is essential that you keep in mind your symptoms so you can clearly explain them to your doctor for a more comprehensive diagnosis and treatment.


This supplementary treatment is specifically for pregnant patients who have undergone or going through:

  • Cysts or myoma removal surgery
  • Emergency short cervix treatments
  • Emergency cervical insufficiency treatments
  • Late threatened miscarriages
Diagnosis of a late threatened miscarriage

At this stage of a threatened miscarriage, conducting reproductive hormonal tests or checking for potential immunity related factors are ineffective as they are generally associated with early threatened miscarriages.

Antai Hospital has identified that the 3 primary causes for a potential late threatened miscarriage are:

  • Cervical Insufficiecny (Cervical relaxation or Short Cervix)
  • Insufficient uterine volume (Uterine Malformation)
  • Pressure-induced (Pelvic and uterine space is taken up by cysts or myomas)

Doctors will need to use B-scan to first determine the following:

Is the fetus alive?
  • The weight of the fetus?
  • What is the current heart rate of the fetus?
  • Are there any cysts or fibroids in the uterine and pelvic cavity?
  • Is the morphology/structure of the cervix normal?
  • Is the amniotic sac protruding into the cervix?

After conducting the above examinations and more, our doctors can quickly determine the cause of your threatened miscarriage using method of elimination.

Note: Due to the critical condition of the patient’s pregnancy, our doctors will immediately start treatment according to patients’ symptoms also known as Symptomatic Treatment, for the priority of saving the fetus/pregnancy.

Symptomatic Treatment (Uterine Contractions)

The two distinct symptoms patient is currently experiencing is abdominal pains and vaginal bleedings. Our doctors will begin medication treatment for these 2 symptoms as shown below:

Abdominal Pains
  • Uterine Contractions inhibitory Medications
  1. Due to the excessive build-up of lactic acid in the blood vessels of the uterine smooth muscles, triggering frequent contractions of the uterus, which leads to the abdominal pains.
  2. Antai Hospital will start by administering Progestin or Nifedipine to help reduce the sensitivity of the uterine smooth muscle, which can reduce the frequent contractions and stop the vaginal bleeding.
  • Next, administration of Atosiban to counteract the effects of Oxytocin, further reducing uterine contractions and bleeding.
  1. Administration of MgSO4 for full body muscle relaxation, for the purpose of decreasing the current abdominal pressure and uterine contractions as well.
  2. An additional administration of anxiolytics (抗焦虑药) medications such as Chlorpromazine and Diazepam to help ease and calm the patient, which also helps with reducing the contractions of abdominal and uterine muscles.
  • Increase Oxygen Supply
  1. Oxygen inhalation Therapy for patient to help eliminate the excessive build-up of lactic acid in the abdominal and also uterine muscles (reduces uterine contractions).
  2. Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber therapy may also be required to speed up the process of reducing uterine and abdominal muscle contractions, allowing patients to stabilize much faster. (reduce pain which lowers the contractions)
  1. Vaginal Bleeding
  • Administration of haemostatic drugs such as 6-Glycine, to reduce the bleeding.
  1. Infection prevention

For the purpose of preventing any potential infection to affect the pregnancy and prevent the water-break, crucial infection prevention measures are needed as shown below:

  • Undergo a comprehensive vagina disinfectant scrub to eliminate possibility of pregnancy infections.
  • Administration of Antibiotics for further protection against bacterial infections.

Note: For the above-mentioned treatments, patient is required to be hospitalized throughout the entire treatment for close monitoring.

These supplementary treatments that Antai Hospital is dependent on patient’s condition and needs and may differ from patient to patient. Hospital’s number 1 priority at this stage is to protect and save your pregnancy, increasing the survival rate of your child and delay your pregnancy. Please contact us today for a consultation.

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