The world’s first innovative Endometrial Transplantation Procedure – Antai Hospital

Spearheaded and innovated by Dr Chen Fenglin, Antai Hospital is the only hospital that offers endometrium transplant as an effective treatment for muscular intrauterine adhesions. The purpose of this allograft treatment is to:

  • Prevent the re-adhesion of the uterine cavity, 
  • Promote the regeneration of the endometrium layers 
  • Prevent future recurrent miscarriage

Before discussing the procedure, we need to first understand the condition of muscular intrauterine adhesions and its complications. 

There are 3 types of Pelvic Adhesions: 

  1. Membrane Intrauterine Adhesion
  2. Fibrous Intrauterine Adhesions
  3. Muscular Intrauterine Adhesion

The most serious type of pelvic adhesions is the muscular intrauterine adhesions because it can cause serious damage to the basal layer of the endometrium, possibly caused by:

  • Bleeding on the uterine wall
  • Tissue damage
  • Infections

This exposes the muscles walls beneath the basal layer, leading to growing of muscular fibrous bands that will cause the internal walls to “stick” causing several complications.

If left untreated, it can severely affect the menstrual cycle, causes dysmenorrhea, infertility, and even recurrent miscarriages

You are also at risk if you have the following history of:

  • Recurrent miscarriages
  • Infertility
  • Multiple induced abortions
  • Pelvic infection

Please read more about Pelvic Adhesions and how they cause recurrent miscarriages here.

Why do I need an Endometrium Transplant?

In cases of highly severe Muscular intrauterine adhesions, it will cause irreversible damage to the basal layer of the endometrium. This will affect:

  • Difficulty of implantation of the embryo on the endometrium
  • Affects the growth and development of the ovum and corpus luteum
  • The shape and size of the uterus

The above factors if left untreated, will causes several complications such as early recurrent miscarriages and fetal demise.

Antai Endometrium Transplant Treatment

For severe cases of muscular intrauterine adhesion, our innovative and highly specific Antai Endometrium Transplant is the best and most effective treatment. 

The most crucial step of our allograft transplant procedure is acquiring a biocompatible endometrium layer from a suitable donor. Antai Hospital achieves this by serotyping (血清分型) both the recipient (patient) and potential donors to determine the closest HLA match. 

In most cases, the patient’s mother is usually the best candidate for organ donation, as they both share 50% genetic similarity. Otherwise, any donor with a minimum of 30 % biocompatibility will also lead to a successful treatment.

Once a suitable donor is determined, we can proceed to remove the donor’s endometrium wall for further modification:

  1. Breakdown the newly acquired endometrium layer into fine cells and distribute into a cell culture medium.
  2. Apply the mixture evenly onto our specialised Antai Adhesion Barrier onto the pear-shaped balloon stent.
  3. Insert the stent into the recipient’s uterine cavity and proceed to fill the stent up with fluid to expand the uterine cavity.
  4. Allow the newly allografted cells to adhere onto the recipient’s endometrium layer.
  5. The stent should remain in the recipient’s uterine cavity for 2 months to allow it time to regenerate and restore normal function.
  6. Recipient’s transplant condition will be re-evaluated and re-examined within 2 months. Over time your endometrium will recover with healthy functional and basal layers.

Things to take note of:

  1. The success rate of the allograft transplant treatment is highly dependant on the donor’s biocompatibility to the recipient. Patients should fully understand that this procedure is experimental and in the case of failure, patients only option is to opt for surrogacy.
  2. The outcome of this experimental transplant surgery is also very dependant on the surgeon himself. Trust in Antai, where our surgeons are highly skilled and specialised, and can provide you the best possible outcome for this treatment.

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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