The Close Relationship between Scanty Menstruation and Infertility, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Central Idea: This article explores the intricate connection between scanty menstruation and infertility, mainly caused by two conditions – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Ovarian Function Insufficiency. It also discusses diagnosis and highlights ovarian drilling as an effective treatment method.

Irregular menstruation and Infertility

Scanty menstruation is a common manifestation of infertility, indicating irregular menstrual cycles. The normal menstrual cycle typically ranges from 28 to 30 days, but when cycles become prolonged, such as 35 or 40 days, or even missing for two or three months, it’s termed as scanty menstruation. This results in fewer than the usual 13 menstrual cycles within a year, sometimes as few as seven or eight cycles, or even fewer. Scanty menstruation is often closely tied to infertility because menstruation is a reflection of ovulation. Irregular or scanty menstruation implies reduced or immature ovulation, potentially leading to reproductive issues.

The primary causes of scanty menstruation can be attributed to two conditions: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Ovarian Function Insufficiency. PCOS presents not only with scanty menstruation but also with symptoms like obesity, excessive hair growth, and elevated androgen levels, such as seborrhea and hirsutism. Moreover, issues like infertility, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and biochemical pregnancies might arise. On the other hand, Ovarian Function Insufficiency might lead to scanty menstruation, accompanied by underdeveloped breasts, lack of prominent secondary sexual characteristics, sexual difficulties, and even a leaner body.

Distinguishing between PCOS and Ovarian Function Insufficiency primarily relies on hormonal testing. Patients with PCOS usually exhibit normal levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), while those with Ovarian Function Insufficiency show elevated FSH and LH levels. Therefore, a combination of hormonal tests and the pattern of scanty menstruation can provide an initial differentiation between the two conditions.

Treatment approaches differ based on the specific condition. For PCOS, ovarian drilling through laparoscopy is effective. This procedure involves removing ovarian tissue with testosterone-producing cells, helping restore regular menstruation and increasing the chances of fertility. However, there’s currently a lack of effective causal treatments for Ovarian Function Insufficiency. The recommended approach involves regulating menstrual cycles through artificial means, promoting the development of secondary sexual characteristics, and utilizing egg donation techniques for in vitro fertilization to achieve the goal of reproduction.

Beijing Antai Hospital specializes in treating infertility. The hospital adopts a signed treatment approach to prevent patients from pursuing ineffective paths and ensuring treatment effectiveness. With a deep understanding of scanty menstruation and infertility, doctors can accurately diagnose and provide suitable treatment options, helping patients realize their dreams of parenthood.

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