Tag: uterine malformation

Infertility and Rudimentary Unicornuate Uterus: Understanding Uterine Anomalies

Rudimentary unicornuate uterus is a type of uterine anomaly often accompanied by unicornuate uterus, both of which are common causes of infertility. A normal uterus, resembling an inverted pear, consists of the uterine body and the cervix. However, in the presence of single unicornuate uterus or rudimentary unicornuate uterus, the uterine morphology deviates from the typical pear shape. What exactly…

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Unicornuate Uterus and Infertility: Causes, Misdiagnosis, and Treatment at Beijing Antai Hospital

Unicornuate uterus, a rare congenital anomaly, can lead to infertility in women. It is characterized by a uterus with either a single horn connected to the cervix and vagina or a rudimentary unicornuate uterus that is not linked to the vagina. Misdiagnosis is common due to the lack of advanced imaging technology in many hospitals. However, Beijing Antai Hospital offers…

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IVF & IUI are not suitable for Uterine Malformations such as Unicornuate, Bicornuate, Didelphys.

IVF and IUI are some of, if not the most common assistive reproductive technologies (ART), but nowadays it is being blindly recommended for several medical conditions that do not fit its indications. IVF and IUI are not treatment methods, they simply assist in the process of conceiving and do nothing for the underlying causes. A uterine malformation is considered an…

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Uterine Unification Surgery – Antai Hospital’s Specialty Treatment for Uterine Malformations

Uterine Unification Surgery – Antai Hospital’s Treatment for Uterine Malformations Uterine malformations are Mullerian abnormalities that have a significant negative impact on reproductive outcomes. Uterine Malformations that can be treated include uterine bicornuate, uterine unicornuate, uterine hypoxia & uterine didelphys. These uterine malformations can be diagnosed via a standard Hysterosalpingography, also known as uterosalpingography. Uterine Unification Surgery, also known as…

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Laparoscopic Surgery During Pregnancy

In cases of fibroids, adenomyosis lesions, cysts that are diagnosed during pregnancy, there are available management methods such as Laparoscopy, to remove them without affecting the pregnancy. However, it relies crucially on when this surgery is conducted, and as a rule of thumb, the sooner it is conducted, the better. However, many hospitals recommend surgery only after week 14 of…

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Unicornuate Uterus Treatment – Antai Hospital

Unicornuate Uterus Treatment: Uterine Reconstructive Surgery A Unicornuate Uterus is a rare form of congenital uterine malformation, also known as a Mullerian Duct Abnormality. It is a result of abnormal embryological development, specifically the abnormal development of the uterus within the first trimester of the fetus, causing the fetus to develop a half-formed uterus with a single fallopian tube and…

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