Tag: antai hospital

Vaginal Atresia: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Vaginal Atresia: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital Vaginal atresia is a rare female reproductive tract malformation, where the urogenital sinus is absent in the formation of the lower segment of the vagina. Medically speaking, this condition is also known as the complete or partial absence of the vagina. Partial absence refers to when the vagina is closed. Vaginal Atresia…

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Vulvar Cancer: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Vulvar Cancer – Antai Hospital Cancer of the vulva is not uncommon at all amongst women, it comprises roughly 1% of systemic malignant tumors of the body and 5 % of the female reproductive tract. This form of cancer occurs on the external surface area of the vagina, precisely at the skin covering the vulva, urethra, clitoris, and labia. Though…

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IVF: Why it doesn’t always work? – Antai Hospital

In-Vitro Fertilization or Test-Tube Baby – Antai Hospital IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization is an assistive reproductive technology where the sperm and ovum are specially acquired from the couple, and they are both fused in a process known as fertilization that takes place outside of the body. This is known as in-vitro, meaning in a test-tube or in the lab, and…

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Vaginal Cancer: Cause, Symptoms & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Vaginal Cancer: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital Vaginal cancer is the presence of a malignancy within the vaginal canal, usually on the surface cells of the vagina. For this condition, early diagnosis and treatment is the best approach to prevent further spreading and development of the cancer, and the best chance of a cure. Symptoms Symptoms of vaginal cancer…

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PCOS & Obesity: Fertility & Health Issues – Antai Hospital

PCOS & Obesity: Fertility and Health Issue PCOS, known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is considered as a congenital organic disease of the ovary, that causes a chronic endocrine imbalance, leading to several symptoms that affect fertility and potentially leads to infertility. When observed with an ultrasound or laparoscopic diagnostics, the ovary will appear to have several cysts growing. These cysts…

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Late Miscarriages: Causes, Examination & Treatment  – Antai Hospital

What is a late miscarriage? A late miscarriage is a pregnancy loss or failure that occurs after week 12 until week 28 of gestation. There also referred to a 2nd trimester loss or 3rd trimester loss. In late miscarriage, according to the nature of death of the baby, it could be a stillbirth or fetal demise. Late miscarriages are extremely…

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Birthing Custard or Vernix Caseosa: Why is it important?   – Antai Hospital

Birthing Custard or Vernix Caseosa: Why is it important?  – Antai Hospital Vernix Caseosa, sometimes referred to as birthing custard is the cheese-like material that covers a fetus, which can be directly observed during labor. The substance, previously thought to be an unimportant byproduct of labor, is now understood to be a crucial by-product that carries important functions for both…

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How to properly diagnose and treat Endometriosis – Antai Hospital

How to properly diagnose Endometriosis – Antai Hospital Endometriosis is chronic condition, that is a rather common, serious condition that has serious reproductive consequences. The condition is described as the displacement of endometrial tissue to abnormal locations not limited to the reproductive system, these include the fallopian tube, outer uterine walls, pelvic cavity, intestines, rectum etc. During each menses cycle,…

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Hysteroscopy is the safest method to terminate pregnancies

Overview There are many instances where a woman has to make the difficult decision to have an induced abortion, be it for personal or medical reasons. In such situations, it would be best to prioritize having an induced abortion via a hysteroscopy instead of dilatation and curettage (D&C) or vacuum aspiration so that you will not face the risk of…

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Induced Abortion: Removal of the embryo via Hysteroscopy

According to Dr. Chen Fenglin’s patented discovery, Immunity factors cause over 70% of recurrent early miscarriages, which is caused by induced abortions. If you have faced an early miscarriage or fetal demise during a pregnancy, Our Antai Hospital in-house technology has the capability of safely removing the embryo via Hysteroscopy, which also prevents future recurrent miscarriages. A hysteroscopy is a surgical procedure using the hysteroscope.…

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