Tag: adenomyosis

Hydrosalpinx: Causes & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Usage of Heparin and Aspirin for Recurrent Miscarriages In recent years, many doctors are deliberately prescribing anticoagulant and antithrombotic medications such as Herapin and Aspirin as a common course of treatment for recurrent miscarriages. It has been widely used to stimulate uterine blood flow for expectant mothers with uterine blood insufficiency and recurrent miscarriage. It is also believed to be…

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Usage of Aspirin and Heparin is ineffective for recurrent miscarriage – Antai Hospital

Usage of Heparin and Aspirin for Recurrent Miscarriages In recent years, many doctors are deliberately prescribing anticoagulant and antithrombotic medications such as Herapin and Aspirin as a common course of treatment for recurrent miscarriages. It has been widely used to stimulate uterine blood flow for expectant mothers with uterine blood insufficiency and recurrent miscarriage. It is also believed to be…

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Induced Abortion is the cause of recurrent immunological miscarriage – Antai Hospital

Does induced abortion (surgical abortion) cause recurrent miscarriages? Recurrent miscarriage is frustrating for the physician and a heartbreaking experience for the patient. Approximately 5% of couples trying to conceive have two consecutive miscarriages. Despite a thorough study of patients, the aetiology of this common obstetric complication is unknown in 50% of cases. Known causes include abnormal chromosomes, endocrinological disorders and…

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Hysterectomy is not entirely necessary – Antai Hospital

Antai hospital’s philosophy is to protect all uteruses against hysterectomy, especially for the treatment of benign and none-life threatening diseases, such as PCOS, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis to name a few. However, hysterectomy is one of the most common gynecological procedure currently, with over 600,000 hysterectomy administered yearly. We believe that almost of these are entirely avoidable, and the women’s uterus…

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Explaining Miscarriage & Recurrent Miscarriage – Antai Hospital

What is a miscarriage? Miscarriage is clinically defined as the expulsion of the fetus and other pregnancy tissue from the mother’s body. It commonly occurs within the first three months of pregnancy, which is defined as an early miscarriage. Whereas miscarriages occurring after the first trimester are expressed as a late miscarriage. Miscarriage can be further classified into the following…

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Protect your pregnancy from a potential miscarriage – Antai Hospital

The term: “save your pregnancy” means to prevent you from going through a miscarriage and to continue your pregnancy towards full-term. If you are pregnant in your first few weeks and you experience the following symptoms: Vaginal Bleeding Abdominal Pains You could potentially face an early miscarriage or a threatened miscarriage. Though it is important to note that not all…

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Endometriosis causes recurrent miscarriage – Antai Hospital

Overview Dr Chen Fenglin of Beijing Antai Hospital has discovered that Endometriosis can lead to recurrent immunological miscarriage. Endometriosis is the condition where the tissue that usually lines the inner part of the uterus grows outside the uterus. Endometriosis can be categorized into two types depending on where they are found: If the tissue grows in the ovaries. (causing chocolate…

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Cervical Insufficiency or Cervical Incompetence – Antai Hospital

Overview Recurrent late miscarriage is characterized by two or more consecutive miscarriages that occurred in the same gestational week during the second trimester (week 13 to week 28). Cervical insufficiency, also known as cervical incompetence, can occur in women with weak cervical tissues. Cervical insufficiency is one of the most common causes of late miscarriages. Some women suffer from a…

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Parental Chromosomal Abnormality & Miscarriage – Antai Hospital

Parental Chromosomal Abnormality does not cause embryonic demise There are 3 types of genetic mutation that may occur during the development of a newly fertilized embryo during your pregnancy: Lethal mutation Deformity-causing mutation Carrier mutation The first 2 types of mutations are congenital anomalies, which means they cannot be inherited and caused by the changes or abnormalities of the environmental…

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