Ovarian Surgery During Pregnancy: Is it possible? – Antai Hospital

 Can you have surgery on your ovaries while being pregnant?



Antai hospital removes large ovarian cyst via 3D laparoscopy to save the pregnancy. The biggest fibroid ever found was in the ovary, and large ovarian cysts are mostly ovarian dermoid cysts that would keep growing even during pregnancy. Having a large ovarian cyst during pregnancy poses a considerable risk. As the pregnancy progresses, the large ovarian cyst will start to get in the way of the fetus’ development. The ovarian cyst takes up a significant amount of space in the pelvic cavity, which inhibits the growth of the fetus. Most of such pregnancies end in late miscarriage or preterm birth. If it is just a small ovarian cyst that does not obstruct fetus growth, then the removal is not required until after the birth of the baby.

Specific Indication

This surgery is for women who only realized that they have a large ovarian cyst during pregnancy, and there is a risk for a late miscarriage. Since this is a risky surgery for the fetus, the procedure is best be considered by patients who have a hard time getting pregnant or cannot get pregnant again. Otherwise, if the patient does not have a problem getting pregnant, the surgical risk might not be worthwhile.

Surgical Technique & Experience 

Your doctor might suggest cutting off your affected ovary with the justification that you still have one more functioning ovary since it is the quickest and easiest method to remove the cyst. However, it will reduce your chance of pregnancy by half and double your chance of entering menopause early. At Antai hospital, patients can remove the large ovarian cyst to save the pregnancy without sacrificing any ovary. 

Antai hospital achieves that via 3D laparoscopy. Standard laparoscopy involves pumping gas into the abdomen to have operating space and a clear view for the surgeons. However, pumping gas is unsuitable for pregnant women because it creates pressure on the uterine, posing a danger to the fetus. Hence, Antai hospital uses an abdominal wall lift as a substitute. It is equally effective with the help of the 3D function of the hospital’s in-house 3D laparoscopy.

During the procedure, the surgeons will remove the cyst from the ovary without cutting off the ovary and stitch back the incision site. After the procedure, the ovary will heal over time and function as normal. 

Things To Note

  1. This is an experimental surgery. While Antai hospital has plenty of surgical success cases, there is still a certain degree of risk that the fetus cannot be saved. 
  2. Informed consent from the patient is mandatory. Patients should have a comprehensive of the possible risks and intended benefits before consenting.
  3. Due to this surgery’s high-risk nature, surgeons performing this surgery should be highly-skilled and able to make sound and rational decisions in case of emergencies.
  4. Key stakeholders should communicate the possible risks and come up with mitigation plans. 
  5. Labour suppressants such as Atosiban are required during the surgery.
  6. External blood is not necessary since there is a low risk of excessive blood loss. An autologous blood transfusion machine should suffice.

“A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love” – Stendhal. 

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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