Luteal Phase Defect & Ovarian Teratoma – Antai Hospital

Teratoma and Corpus Luteum Insufficiency

Teratoma is a type of tumour that may contain fully developed tissue or organs such as bone, teeth, hair etc. It is commonly found in the ovaries, and is of benign nature, but still requires surgical removal.

Some ovarian teratoma that form originate from the abnormal development of one of 2 embryos (twins). While one embryo is able to grow and develop normally, the other slowly develops abnormally (contributing factors such as chromosomal abnormality or lack of nutrients) into a tumour, and this may cause a potential pregnancy loss if left undetected.

If left untreated, it will lead to a early miscarriage, fetal demise and recurrent immunological miscarriage. Antai Hospital is the only private hospital that offers contractual recurrent miscarriage treatment with a full refund policy.  

How does Teratoma cause recurrent miscarriages?

Teratoma that grow in the ovaries, known as ovarian teratoma can affect:

  • The quality and maturation of the egg cells in the ovaries
  • The development of the corpus luteum (leading to Corpus Luteum Insufficiency)

As we all know, Progesterone is a crucial hormone that is needed to sustain a healthy and full-term pregnancy. Corpus luteum insufficiency means the corpus luteum does not produce the required levels of Progesterone.

This can cause:

  • The endometrium to not thicken and vascularize, making it very difficult for implantation to take place.
  • Affects the growth and development of the embryo in your early pregnancy.

And these factors above can potentially lead to:

  • Early miscarriage
  • Fetal Demise
  • Recurrent miscarriage*

*Corpus Luteum Insufficiency is a primary cause for a complex (multi-factor) recurrent miscarriage.


  • A history of recurrent miscarriages
  • Pain in the pelvic areas
  • Constipation
  • Leg weakness


  • B-scan to check for presence of teratoma.
  • Hormonal test to check for Progesterone and HCG (if pregnant) levels
  • Test for the presence of anti-embryonic antibodies


Antai Hospital will provide treatment for your Hyperthyroidism based on the current condition you are in:

  1. Before pregnancy:
  1. Removal of the tumour via laparoscopic surgery

The ovarian tumour can be safely removed with the minimally invasive Antai-specialized 3D-laparoscopic surgery.

  1. Immunotherapy

If you test positive for anti-embryonic antibodies, Antai will administer its patented immunotherapy that effectively prevents recurrent immunological miscarriage.

  1. During pregnancy:
  1.  Removal of the tumour via laparoscopic surgery

The ovarian tumour can be safely removed with the minimally invasive and Antai-specialized 3D-laparoscopic surgery

  1. Progesterone supplementary treatment

Here at Antai Hospital, we offer a progesterone supplement treatment that is personalized to your requirements. The dosage of Progesterone will be prescribed, specific, and accurate to your bodily needs. An overdose or underdose of Progesterone may lead to further complications*.

  1. Immunotherapy

If you test positive for anti-embryonic antibodies, Antai will administer its patented immunotherapy that effectively prevents recurrent immunological miscarriage.

Here at Antai, we firmly believe that an effective treatment only comes with accurate diagnosis. Antai Hospital is the only private hospital that offers patented and effective recurrent miscarriage treatment with full-refund policy. If you would like to find out more, please reach out to us via consultation or email to find out more. 

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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