IVF & IUI are not suitable for Uterine Malformations such as Unicornuate, Bicornuate, Didelphys.

IVF and IUI are some of, if not the most common assistive reproductive technologies (ART), but nowadays it is being blindly recommended for several medical conditions that do not fit its indications. IVF and IUI are not treatment methods, they simply assist in the process of conceiving and do nothing for the underlying causes.

A uterine malformation is considered an organic disease, which requires laparoscopic corrective surgery. No amount of IVF and IUI will help you sustain a pregnancy for full-term, this is something your IVF doctors will not tell you. Data shows that the per-cycle success rates for in-vitro fertilization have remained at 24% and the reason is that it is recommended for almost all patients suffering from recurrent miscarriage and infertility. IVF and IUI cannot treat recurrent miscarriages and can only assist with tubal infertility, anovulation (IVF), and male factor infertility (IUI).

Our advice is for patients to stop wasting their hard-earned money and time on assistive reproductive treatments that will only inevitably lead to another pregnancy loss with your doctors have zero accountability. Instead, seek proper surgical treatment to treat the underlying organic disease. At Antai, we take full responsibility and if you are unable to have full-term pregnancies upon receiving our treatment, then we will refund you the entire treatment fee.

Natural conception and full-term pregnancies can be a reality for you, get in touch with us today.


  • Posted May 17, 2022
    by Salma

    I have uterus didelphys and recurrent miscarriages. I have been told as I have a child 15years old, nothing can be done.
    I’m came across your experimental treatment and would like more information.

    • Posted May 23, 2022

      Hello Salma, please get in touch with our consultant via whatsapp so we can assist you better! Thank you!

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