Infertility and Rudimentary Unicornuate Uterus: Understanding Uterine Anomalies

Rudimentary unicornuate uterus is a type of uterine anomaly often accompanied by unicornuate uterus, both of which are common causes of infertility. A normal uterus, resembling an inverted pear, consists of the uterine body and the cervix. However, in the presence of single unicornuate uterus or rudimentary unicornuate uterus, the uterine morphology deviates from the typical pear shape.

Infertility and Rudimentary Unicornuate Uterus

What exactly is a single unicornuate uterus? Imagine a banana split in half, where only one side represents the uterine body with an atypical form. Despite the abnormality, it still allows menstruation through a communicating cervix and vagina, and conception can occur as the horn connects to the fallopian tube. However, pregnancies in a single unicornuate uterus are more prone to miscarriages, and menstrual flow is often reduced.

On the other hand, the other half may present as a rudimentary unicornuate uterus. Unlike the single unicornuate uterus, the rudimentary variant lacks a cervix, making it unable to communicate with the vagina. Nevertheless, it has fallopian tubes and ovaries. The cavity of the rudimentary unicornuate uterus communicates with the abdominal cavity but not the vagina, leading to difficulty in menstrual blood discharge. Moreover, this can increase the risk of developing endometriosis, a painful condition where endometrial tissues grow outside the uterus.

In summary, the smaller side of the uterine anomaly is referred to as the rudimentary unicornuate uterus, while the larger side is termed the single unicornuate uterus. Both abnormalities can coexist, affecting fertility and pregnancy outcomes.

Fortunately, Beijing Antai Hospital has pioneered a groundbreaking solution known as uterine fusion surgery. This innovative procedure involves fusing the two uteri together, ensuring a restored cervix and normal uterine morphology. As a result, post-surgery, the uterine cavity volume returns to normal, significantly improving the chances of conception and preventing miscarriages.

Beijing Antai Hospital is dedicated to achieving successful outcomes, and they offer contract-based treatment with a full refund if the desired results are not met. In cases where patients fail to conceive or experience recurrent miscarriages post-surgery, a full refund is also guaranteed.

However, it’s important to note that uterine anomalies can vary significantly, and some individuals may have additional complications, such as endometriosis or cervical relaxation. Therefore, concurrent treatments, including cervical encircling and endometriosis elimination, are necessary for comprehensive and effective management.

What exactly is a single unicornuate uterus? Imagine a banana split in half, where only one side represents the uterine body with an atypical form. Despite the abnormality, it still allows menstruation through a communicating cervix and vagina, and conception can occur as the horn connects to the fallopian tube. However, pregnancies in a single unicornuate uterus are more prone to miscarriages, and menstrual flow is often reduced.

On the other hand, the other half may present as a rudimentary unicornuate uterus. Unlike the single unicornuate uterus, the rudimentary variant lacks a cervix, making it unable to communicate with the vagina. Nevertheless, it has fallopian tubes and ovaries. The cavity of the rudimentary unicornuate uterus communicates with the abdominal cavity but not the vagina, leading to difficulty in menstrual blood discharge. Moreover, this can increase the risk of developing endometriosis, a painful condition where endometrial tissues grow outside the uterus.

In summary, the smaller side of the uterine anomaly is referred to as the rudimentary unicornuate uterus, while the larger side is termed the single unicornuate uterus. Both abnormalities can coexist, affecting fertility and pregnancy outcomes.

Fortunately, Beijing Antai Hospital has pioneered a groundbreaking solution known as uterine fusion surgery. This innovative procedure involves fusing the two uteri together, ensuring a restored cervix and normal uterine morphology. As a result, post-surgery, the uterine cavity volume returns to normal, significantly improving the chances of conception and preventing miscarriages.

Beijing Antai Hospital is dedicated to achieving successful outcomes, and they offer contract-based treatment with a full refund if the desired results are not met. In cases where patients fail to conceive or experience recurrent miscarriages post-surgery, a full refund is also guaranteed.

However, it’s important to note that uterine anomalies can vary significantly, and some individuals may have additional complications, such as endometriosis or cervical relaxation. Therefore, concurrent treatments, including cervical encircling and endometriosis elimination, are necessary for comprehensive and effective management.

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