Infertility and Menstrual Pain: Warning Signals Behind Abdominal Discomfort

With changing modern lifestyles, infertility has garnered increasing attention. However, did you know that abdominal discomfort during the menstrual cycle could be a signal of infertility? This is particularly true for individuals with infertility who experience abdominal pain before each menstrual period. Clinically known as dysmenorrhea, this abdominal discomfort needs to be differentiated from other types of abdominal pain.

Infertility and Menstrual Pain: Warning Signals Behind Abdominal Discomfort

Menstrual Pain and Dysmenorrhea

Menstrual pain, as well as abdominal pain occurring before or after menstruation, is closely related to the menstrual cycle. However, if the abdominal pain is unrelated to menstruation, it falls outside the scope of our discussion. Dysmenorrhea is characterized by secondary dysmenorrhea being more common than primary dysmenorrhea. Secondary dysmenorrhea presents as sudden severe abdominal pain when there was little or no pain before.

Causes of Dysmenorrhea and Its Association with Infertility

Many causes of secondary dysmenorrhea are closely associated with infertility, with a significant proportion linked to endometriosis and adenomyosis. These abnormal cells are similar to endometrial cells and can be found not only in the pelvic cavity but also distributed within the uterine walls, ovaries, and other parts of the body’s passages. Influenced by hormonal fluctuations, these cells react similarly to the endometrium, causing phenomena like shedding, necrosis, and bleeding, resulting in local irritation and even pain during sexual intercourse.

Importance of Treatment and Methods

For patients experiencing abdominal pain before menstruation and accompanying infertility issues, timely diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Disease progression with each menstrual cycle can exacerbate infertility problems. This progressive intensification requires serious attention, as every menstrual cycle tends to worsen the symptoms. Therefore, early intervention becomes pivotal for effective treatment.

Ectopic Cell Excision: Optimal Approach for Treating Dysmenorrhea

One of the best methods to treat dysmenorrhea is ectopic cell excision through 3D laparoscopy. Operating on a principle similar to that of weed killers, ectopic cell excision involves targeting these cells directly, inducing apoptosis and cell death. This approach not only safeguards the uterus’s normal structure but also effectively addresses ectopic cells, providing relief from dysmenorrhea.

Additionally, some cases involve primary dysmenorrhea, typically linked to a larger uterine curvature. However, these cases are less associated with infertility, and symptoms often alleviate with normal fertility and sexual activity.

For cases involving dysmenorrhea, Beijing Antai Hospital offers specialized treatment services, ensuring patients not only have a chance for normal conception and fertility but also maintain a healthy uterine structure. Thus, early diagnosis and treatment are paramount for addressing the issues of infertility and menstrual pain, safeguarding women’s health and fertility capabilities.

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