Hysteroscopy is the safest method to terminate pregnancies


There are many instances where a woman has to make the difficult decision to have an induced abortion, be it for personal or medical reasons. In such situations, it would be best to prioritize having an induced abortion via a hysteroscopy instead of dilatation and curettage (D&C) or vacuum aspiration so that you will not face the risk of having recurrent early miscarriages in the future.

Recurrent miscarriage specialist, Dr Chen Fenglin’s research found that reproductive immunological disorder caused by anti-embryonic antibodies accounts for 70 percent of all recurrent early miscarriages, and it is a direct result of conventional induced abortion procedures. Out of that 70 percent, most had undergone an induced abortion procedure before, be it via D&C or vacuum aspiration. Those procedures involve scraping your uterine lining. Not only will it thin out and damage your uterine lining, but it will also expose your uterine veins for paternal genes to enter, resulting in the maternal body producing anti-embryonic antibodies.

The damaged uterine lining will make it difficult for proper implantation, and the anti-embryonic antibodies will attack your embryo in future pregnancies. Hence, scraping of the uterus is a recipe for recurrent early miscarriage.

Antai hospital believes prevention is better than cure. Hence, at Antai, all unwanted pregnancies are terminated using a hysteroscopy because it is better than finding treatment for recurrent miscarriages.


A hysteroscope is inserted through the vagina and into the uterus. Liquid will then be pumped into the uterus for expansion, and a light source on the hysteroscope will allow the surgeons to have a direct and clear view of the uterine cavity. The surgeons will use an Antai hospital’s specially designed grabber forceps to remove the embryo/fetus and all pregnancy tissues as a whole without breaking it into pieces. This will prevent the paternal genes from escaping the embryo/fetus and enter the maternal bloodstream (prevent the production of anti-embryonic antibodies).

So, why does hysteroscopy not cause damage to your uterus?

The most significant difference between hysteroscopy and D&C or vacuum aspiration is that hysteroscopy allows for direct visualization. The surgeons can directly look into your uterus on a screen with hysteroscopy and remove all pregnancy tissues with precision. Unlike hysteroscopy, surgeons performing traditional D&C or vacuum aspiration have to scrap your entire uterus lining to ensure that no remnants are left behind because they cannot directly see where the pregnancy tissues are.


Hysteroscopy is ideal for early abortions, fetal demise, or incomplete miscarriages between 4-12 gestational weeks. With the function of direct visualization, surgeons will be able to spot even the tiniest embryo or pregnancy tissues.


Hysteroscopy involves using advanced surgical devices that require special training for the surgeon because it is not easy to operate. The grabber forceps that are used to remove the embryo/fetus an in-house technology designed by Antai hospital. It is not yet available in the market. The equipment is high-tech and expensive, which explains the higher cost for patients.

Patients will be under general anesthesia for the hysteroscopy.

After the surgery, it is normal for patients to experience vaginal bleeding for a few days, and they can resume regular sexual intercourse after the bleeding stops.

Apart from performing induced abortions with hysteroscopy, Antai hospital also specializes in treating recurrent early miscarriages with our patented technology. We provide a full refund for unsuccessful treatments. Learn more about Antai hospital HERE.

Written by: Yi Jun

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