HPV & Cancers: How do they form? – Antai Hospital

HPV & Cancers: How do they form?

Cancer related conditions are considered the leading cause of death for both men and women worldwide. With regards to HPV, this infectious disease is transmitted sexually from skin-to-skin contact via vaginal, anal, and oral sex, and can lead to the common hand warts and genital warts. These are generally harmless, and over time, the infection gets eliminated by the immune system, unless you get re-infected once more.        

High-risk HPV increases the risks of cancers such as oropharyngeal cancer, vaginal, vulvar, anal, penial, and oral cavity cancers. These high-risk HPV-infected cells carry cancer-causing proteins known as viral oncogenes. These oncogenes have the function of altering the cell’s primary function such as DNA repair, cellular division and cell apoptosis. Furthermore, these infected cells also lose the ability to be recognized by the immune system, allowing them to evade detection and removal.         

How does HPV cause cancer?

High risk HPV carry viral oncogenes E6, E7 and it integrates into the host cell’s genome. This cause genomic instability within the cell and alterations in several key cellular functions. Two key cellular components that we need to understand are p53 and pRb. The former is a gene that makes proteins controlling cellular multiplication and programmed apoptosis, while the latter has the key function of preventing uncontrolled growth by inhibiting cell cycle progression. E6 leads to the degradation of p53 whereas E7 leads to the degradation of pRb, eventually leading to carcinogenesis.

Cancer statistics

Over 32% of all cancers originate from HPV infections. In the female demographic in the US, high-risk HPV account for over 50% of cervical cancers, 16% of vulvar cancer and 17% of anal cancers. Likewise, for men, 82% of all HPV related cancers are oropharynx cancers, and the remainder being anal and penile cancers. Worldwide, high-risk HPVs cause about 5% of all cancer cases, with an estimated number of infections of 570,000 in women and 60,000 in men each year. As of 2018, approximately 311,000 women died from cervical cancer worldwide and more than 85% of these deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries where cervical cancer represents the leading cancer-related death in and women.

Prevention Screening

Primary prevention against HPV is most definitely the administration of HPV vaccines, that most especially protects women against HPV-16 & HPV-18. Secondary prevention is screening and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions. The final stage of prevention is the treatment of HPV-carcinoma. Gardasil-9 vaccine is highly recommended for those who are seeking vaccination. It is important to note that HPV vaccination does not mean it will treat your already existent HPV infection.

Treatment at Antai Hospital       

Antai Hospital’s soon-to-be patented HPV medication is applied on the affected regions, where precancerous lesions are identified. This can be on the penis, the anal rectum, the cervical neck, and on the vulvar. Upon administration, there is no pain-sensation, and it provides an instant sense of relief to patients experiencing uncomfortable itching. If you are diagnosed with a HPV related cancer that is pre-carcinoma, we offer a full-money back guarantee for patients who do not recover within a 6-month period, following our course of treatment. Find out more by scheduling an online consultation with us today.

Antai Hospital’s Commitment

Antai Hospital’s full refund policy for the miscarriage prevention treatments we provide should already be the best guarantee for a healthy pregnancy. Patients should rest assured, can and should go about their everyday life, focusing their diet on vegetables, beans, celery, and other fiber-rich foods. Besides that, an active lifestyle of yoga and swimming should also be incorporated to help relieve stress and increase blood circulation, which is beneficial for the fetus’s development and the mother’s health. With our assurance, a healthy lifestyle, and peace of mind, you can go through a healthy pregnancy with no complications.

Recurrent miscarriages are no doubt a heavy blow to the patient’s physical and mental health. All we can do is to help ease the burden and decrease your trauma, to slowly help you overcome the anxiety with the love and care that we provide at Antai Hospital.

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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