Heartburn & Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Treatment with HG Vaccine – Antai Hospital

Hyperemesis Gravidarum & Heartburn

A predominant symptom that we observe from Hyperemesis Gravidarum is heartburn. Many HG patients describe feeling frequent heartburn symptoms during the entire gestation period, alongside HG. The feeling is similar to a sharp burning pain in the midchest area, sometimes worsening over time, and occurs more than twice in a week.

Usually heartburn, if occurring infrequently, is often dismissed. But if it occurs frequently (more than twice), then it usually indicates there is a serious condition ongoing that requires immediate medical care. Reasons include potential secondary damages to the esophagus tract, inability to put down any food leading to weight loss, severe chest pains that can escalate into breathing problems etc.

Symptoms of HG-Heartburn

  • Burning pain in the chest
  • Acidic taste in the mouth
  • Worsening pain over time
  • Persistent nausea
  • Unable to swallow

Heartburn- Hyperemesis Cause?

Typically, heartburn arises when ingested food alongside stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus and linger there, sometimes all the way to the oral cavity as well. The culprit is usually the unintended relaxation of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), that is responsible for letting things in and out of the stomach cavity. A defect of the LES is the primary cause, and is rarely caused by food preferences (secondary cause).

However, for Hyperemesis-Heartburn, the cause of the condition is slightly more complex than that of a typical heartburn. An HG heartburn is triggered by the abundant abnormal H2 receptors (situated in multiple areas of the digestive system) that are binding and reacting with the hCG hormone during pregnancy, this not only causes the unintended relaxation of the LES, it also causes extraordinarily high amounts of stomach acid secretions, which can make backflow inevitable. 

Treatment for Hyperemesis induced Heartburn – HG Vaccine

Conventional Heartburn medication does not appear to work for patients, due to it not dealing with the underlying root cause: the abnormal H2 receptors. Our HG Vaccine’s sole purpose and effectiveness lies in its ability to completely block these H2 receptors, and patients can observe immediate relief within hours of receiving the HG Vaccine, either via oral medication or injections. This treatment is guaranteed to allow you to fully recover from HG and eliminates all symptoms, allowing you to have a smooth pregnancy without the stresses and trauma of HG. Get in touch with us today!

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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