A: There are 43 types of diseases that can cause recurrent miscarriage, and experiencing recurrent miscarriages is a result of either one or multiple of those diseases. The diseases can be categorized into the following factors:
- immunological factors
- hereditary factors
- infectious factors
- endocrine factors
- anatomical factors (uterine mediastinum, endometrial polyps, uterine orifice relaxation), etc.
A: Before pregnancy, we do highly recommend patients to undergo a thorough and systemic reproductive health screening to identify if they suffer from any of the diseases. This is to ensure no complications arise during pregnancy.
Common screenings include:
- Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) to check for endocrine hormonal levels and anti-embryonic antibodies
- 3D Dynamic Hysterosalpingography and 4D Color Doppler Ultrasound to check the shape of the uterine cavity
- 3D Hysteroscopy to inspect the interior cavity of the uterus for abnormal tissue growths or bleedings
A: While performing an induced abortion, doctors have to scrap the uterus (womb) lining to ensure that no attachments are left inside. This is done as part of protocol, so that an infection does not develop later on. While scraping, it is very easy for the endometrial veins to get damaged, leaving it exposed. As the endometrial veins are exposed, there’s a very high chance of fetal tissues containing paternal genes to enter into the mother’s system. Fetal tissues are considered foreign material and will get recognized by the mother’s immune system as “invading pathogens”. The mother’s immune system then creates specific antibodies towards this fetal tissue, to attack and dispose of the foreign material (fetal tissues). In your subsequent pregnancies, these anti-embryonic antibodies are still present in the mother’s body and will affect the developing embryo, causing repeated pregnancy losses. This tragic cycle repeats over and over unless you deal with the underlying immunological factor. (anti-embryonic antibodies)
Here at Antai Hospital, we own the internationally patented diagnostics and treatment for this form of recurrent miscarriage (Antai Immunotherapy), and treatment success rates are up to 95%. If a patient still miscarries after undergoing treatment with Antai, we offer a full refund guaranteed of treatment costs.
A:Uterine septum/septate is a congenital uterine malformation. The septate mainly consists of connective tissues with very poor blood circulation. As a result, the embryo is prone to miscarriage after implantation, premature delivery and abnormal fetal position. It is key to get treatment pre-pregnancy.
A: Intrauterine adhesion (IUA) is also known as Asherman syndrome. It is a trauma-induced condition that can happen to the women regardless of whether they were pregnant or not. Due to the trauma, the basal layer of endometrium gets damaged, causing partial or total occlusion of the uterine cavity. This leads to abnormal menstruation, infertility, or recurrent miscarriages, etc. In essence, it is endometrial fibrosis which affects the growth and development of the fetal. To prevent re-adhesion, patients must receive a biological anti-adhesive coating treatment at Antai Hospital.
A: Progesterone, which is also known as “pregnancy hormones”, supports implantation, embryo formation, and maintains pregnancy. During the first trimester, progesterone is mainly secreted by the corpus luteum. After three months, it will be mainly secreted by the placenta. Low progesterone can cause luteal phase defect and poor decidual reaction, which leads to a high risk of miscarriage. To maintain a healthy pregnancy, patients should increase their progesterone levels accordingly.
A: If you have a history of an induced abortion or engaging in sexual intercourse during menstruation, there is a high risk of fetal tissus or sperm cells (that contain paternal genes) entering the maternal body via exposed endometrial veins. This will generate an immune response within the mother’s body due to the presence of these “foreign material”, making specific antibodies towards these paternal genes known as “anti-embryonic antibodies”. These antibodies present in the mother’s body will then bind with and affect the development of subsequent pregnancies, leading to a pregnancy loss. This type of miscarriage is known as an immunological miscarriage.
A: Antai Hospitals have determined that Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a form of congenital misstructure of the gonads. Due to the nature of PCOS, it causes high levels of LH hormone, Androgen hormones, and also insulin, affecting the quality of egg cells released from the ovaries and also endometrial receptivity. This can cause a high risk of an early miscarriage. In many cases, we observe that PCOS is usually accompanied with Septate Uterus, which further affects the development of the embryo. Antai Hospital can effectively treat this condition by surgically removing the excessive Leydig Cells present in the ovaries via laparoscopic surgery. Full refund of treatment cost is guaranteed!
A: Embryonic or fetal chromosomal abnormality has been defined as one of the most common causes for an early miscarriage (50-60%). Its main causes are due to the presence of anti-embryonic antibodies (greater than 1:64), a disrupted/abnormal intrauterine environment (polyps, uterine fibroids, uterine malformations), endocrine imbalances, exposure to ionizing radiation during pregnancy, chemicals, microbial infections etc.
A: Antai Hospital has determined and confirmed that chromosomal abnormality can cause miscarriages, but these genetic abnormalities are of the embryo’s or the fetus’s; It does not refer to the chromosomal abnormality of the parents. 99.99% of fetal or embryonic chromosomal abnormalities have nothing to do with the parents genes, their parent’s genes are perfectly normal and healthy. Even if parents have chromomosomal abnormalities, it is only a type of inherited carrier mutation that is harmless and will not cause a miscarriage. If you have experienced a miscarriage or repeated miscarriages, there must be another underlying cause that is undiagnosed. Arrange a full diagnosis with us to find out the real primary cause, and receive its appropriate treatment.
A: High Prolactin in blood is known as Hyperprolactinemia, and in this type of condition, the corpus luteum possess a specific prolactin receptor, which can lead to the inhibition of the granulosa cell lutein and affect the secretion of steroid hormones, leading to luteal phase defect (Corpus Luteum Insufficiency) which can cause a miscarriage.
A: The primary cause for maternal and infant blood type incompatibility is fetal Rh factor, the generation of antibodies due to incompatible ABO blood groups. Erythrocyte agglutination arises and leads to hemolysis, causing a miscarriage. Most commonly , if the mother;s blood type is O, miscarriage often occurs after the 7th month of pregnancy, causing fetal edema. For more enquiries in this topic, please do contact us for an online consultation.
A: Uterine fibroids affect the uterine shape and volume, which has a risk of causing a miscarriage. In most cases, the presence of a fibroid indicates hormonal imbalance, which can also adversely affect the development and growth of the pregnancy.
A: Clinical data and statistic show that over 43 different primary diseases can cause a fetal arrest or stillbirth, and also a miscarriage. For those who have been diagnosed with fetal arrest and have not yet undergone induced abortion, we highly recommend removal of the pregnancy tissue via Hysteroscopy which can help us diagnosis the root cause of the pregnancy loss. We can examine the fetal tissue, check its genetic condition, and also the presence of anti-embryonic antibodies. Diagnosis for the root cause within the shortest period is key for a future healthy pregnancy!
A: The main sign or symptom is mild vaginal bleedings(from a few days up to a few weeks), or a slight pain in the lower abdomen. Once the bleeding increases, the abdominal pains worsens, and the cervix is examined and confirmed to have dilated (to the point that in some cases we can observe the protruding amniotic sac), a miscarriage is inevitable at this stage. If all pregnancy tissues are completely expelled from the mother’s body, it is a complete miscarriage. If only some are expelled, it is an incomplete miscarriage, and must be dealt with immediately otherwise an infection may arise.
A: An early-stillbirth is defined as when the embryo or fetus is deceased within the uterine cavity but has not yet been expelled or removed from the maternal body within early pregnancy. Post embryonic death, the uterus ceases to enlarge and starts shrinking, early pregnancy symptoms/complications disappear. If this occurs during the 2nd or 3rd trimester, the abdomen no longer expands, and fetal movement can no longer be observed. During diagnostics, we observe that the cervix has no dilation, uterus has significantly reduced in volume and size, and no fetal heartbeat can be detected.
A: The most distinct symptoms of a threatened miscarriage is mild vaginal bleedings, followed by lower abdominal or back pains. Gynecological examinations can show that the cervix has not dilated, the amniotic membrane has not yet broken, no pregnancy tissues were discharged etc. After proper rest and treatments, some patient’s condition do improve. If the bleedings and abdominal pains increase or worsen, then it will develop into an inevitable miscarriage.
A: A biochemical pregnancy or a chemical pregnancy refers to the formation of the zygote but did not successfully implant into the endometrium, and accompanied with regular menses will get detached from the endometrium and cause pregnancy termination. Biochemical pregnancies are caused by immunological factors, and may be accompanied with a factor of septate uterus or other forms of uterine malformations. Antai Hospital offers our patented immunotherapy to effectively cure this condition and secure you a healthy pregnancy, with full refund guaranteed!
A: There are several underlying uterine diseases that can cause a miscarriage which includes uterine malformations such as naive uterus, septate uterus, bicornuate uterus, uterine didelphys etc; Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis are also common causes. Furthermore, more causes include intrauterine adhesions, pelvic adhesions, severe laceration of the cervix; Partial or complete cervical removal, cervical insufficiency can lead to cervical incompetence, leading to late miscarriages.
A: Parental Chromosomal Abnormality is most likely a carrier mutation, which is a mild and harmless inherited abnormality that does not cause miscarriages or affects your pregnancy. This type of mutation usually presents itself with balanced translocation or inversion [46,XY,t(5,12)]. There is no loss in genetic information, only displacement of these genes. People with these genes all lead healthy lives and have healthy offsprings as well. At most you will only pass down this harmless mutation to your children.
A: Antai Hospitals owns the international patented rights for the diagnosis and treatment of immunological miscarriage and its distinct dianogsis criteria is the presence of anti-embryonic antibodies. Both diagnosis and treatment effect relies on the levels of these antibodies, you will test negative if dilution of titration is less than 1:64
A: Antai Hospital Beijing is the only hospital that is legally enforced and allowed to do this diagnosis in accordance with our patented rights here.
Chinese Patents: 200480029919.8
EU patents: 1719516
US patents: US 7,902,162 B2.
A: Our Antai Immunotherapy is specific to the indications of: Blood Anti-embryonic levels exceeding 1: 64. A simple blood test can confirm whether you need this treatment or not.
A: 160ml of venous blood is required from the male partner (husband), and through laboratory preparations and processing the entire process takes 4 days. To bring the immunotherapy home, the “gene vaccines” will be stored in a special portable incubator under freezing conditions for travelling purposes. You can store this specialized incubator inside your freezer at home for storage.
A: The vaccine is kept in frozen storage, and before use, it can be defrosted half an hour before. This is an intramuscular injection, and is injected via the skin. This must be administered once a week, and does not affect your menstrual cycle. After administration, another blood test must be done to check for the antibody levels. If antibody levels are significantly lower, then conceiving can begin. Its effective period is 6 months; After pregnancy is confirmed, another 4 shots of the immunotherapy is required, once a week for a month.
A: The anti-embryonic antibodies examination test has both very high specificity and sensitivity, with a normal titration less than 1: 64. The positive range is between 1:128 and 1:1024, as long as there is a detected presence of the anti-embryonic antibodies. Once test positive, we will adminsinter our Antai Immunotherapy and an immunological miscarriage can be surely prevented.
A: This blood test only requires a small and specific amount of venous blood sample, and the entire test can be done within 2 hours with the results. You do not need to be in an empty stomach/fast, and your menstrual cycle also does not affect this test.
A: Once diagnosed or confirmed that a fetal arrest/stillbirth has taken place, we urge couples to avoid an induced abortion to remove the pregnancy tissues. This is the best opportunity to do a diagnosis to discover what actually caused this tragedy. We recommend pregnancy tissue removal via Hysteroscopy, a vaginal ultrasound blood routine examination, blood hormone levels, and anti-embryonic antibody levels. During the procedure, we can observe the conditions of the uterine cavity, the fetus and its implantation position. Post-operation, we can do further gene analysis on the fetus to get more information. This is a full, comprehensive and also a much safer option which can help prevent a future pregnancy loss from happening again.
A: Blocking antibodies are speculated to be part of the lymphatic immune system. It has a core difference with the anti-embryonic antibodies,one is in the cellular level, and the other in the molecular level. The presence of the anti-embryonic antibodies is the specific diagnosis criteria for the recurrent immunological miscarriage; It is the patented treatment of Antai Hospital, not only is it key in the diagnosis, it is equally important in the assessment of treatment efficacy.
A: Dynamic digital Iodide Angiography is a X-ray procedure that allows us to clearly assess and examine the uterine cavity, uterine volume and shape; the presence of any blockages etc. Its one-time use can make successful diagnosis possible at a rate over 95%. Which is why it is considered a vital examination for both recurrent miscarriage and infertility patients.
A: We can conduct a chromosomal analysis after acquiring the embryo/fetus using Hysteroscopy, and examine its tissue structure and genetic conditions (state of the chromosomes and the number of chromosomes) under a microscope after cultivation in the laboratory.
A: Low Progesterone is caused by a luteal phase defect or corpus luteum insufficiency, once properly diagnosed and confirmed, we will immediately provide Progesterone supplementation for the patient. The amount that the patient requires can be accurately determined based on the patient’s height, weight, her current Pg levels and other factors. We will continue this Pg Supplementation for 3 months.
A: A full systematic examination includes: Gynaecological examination, routine leucorrhea, vaginal 4D color doppler ultrasound, colposcopy, semen analysis. Further examinations may include: Dynamic digital hystero tubal lithography, embryonic chromosomal examination hysteroscopy or utero-abdominal combination, CA125, uterine enlargement examination; Specific examination: anti-embryonic antibodies (Antai Patented Technology). Diagnosis can be done on the day itself, patients can sign up for a full contractual treatment with us.
A: The cause behind recurrent miscarriage and stillbirths are up tp 43+ individual causes, which is why diagnosis has to be in-depth and accurate. Within just one day of undergoing diagnostics with Antai, we can accurately find out what is the cause. Tests include anti-embryonic antibody profile, hormonal profile, bloodwork profile, ultrasound, HSG etc. Contractual treatments are available for patients after diagnosis.
A: After decades of research and clinical practice Dr Chen Fenglin has successfully developed our Antai Immunotherapy for the specific treatment of recurrent immunological miscarriage, with success rates up to 95%. This treatment has been patented in over 30 countries within the EU, US and China. It was also broadcasted nationwide on the CCTV popular healthshow: Road to Health, explaining the diagnosis and treatment of recurrent miscarriage and the significance of our Antai Immunotherapy.
A: Uterine malformations or abnormal uterine shapes are also a common cause for recurrent miscarriages, and can be treated using Laparoscopic + Hysteroscopic surgery to adjust the shape and size, restoring it to normal size.
A: Our patented immunotherapy can be conducted before pregnancy for the best outcome, but also can be administered within the pregnancy period. Besides that, we also make use of our intrauterine pear-shape balloon stent, Antai Cervical Ring, cold-knife separation etc. We are hospital specializing in recurrent miscarriage and pregnancies, which is why we are equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipments.