Endometriosis & Corpus Luteum Defect – Antai Hospital

Why does endometriosis cause Corpus Luteum Defect?

Having proper ovulation and releasing of mature eggs monthly are essential to the formation of a normal corpus luteum. However, with endometriosis, the endometrial tissues that grow in the ovaries may interfere with ovulation, thus affecting the release of mature eggs. Endometriosis can also form scar tissues in the ovaries or the fallopian tube which will affect the quality of eggs and inhibit its maturation as well. The immature eggs in the follicles will thus affect the formation of corpus luteum, resulting in corpus luteum defect and low levels of progesterone. 

Symptoms of Endometriosis 

About 80 percent of patients with endometriosis has no symptoms, which is why if patients with these conditions had a miscarriage, it is often termed as “unexplained miscarriage”. However, one very indicative symptom of endometriosis is extreme period pain. 

The following are the kind of period pain they experience:

  • Pain that worsens with each month 
  • Pain that begins as the period is approaching 
  • Pain that intensifies after the bleeding starts

Patients might also suffer from oligomenorrhea where they have infrequent menstrual periods. 

Unfortunately, many patients miss this symptom because they are unaware that the pain that they are feeling is abnormal and many doctors dismiss the pain as “normal” without further examinations.

Medical History

Due to the inability to release healthy and mature eggs, patients may have a medical history of:

  • Recurrent miscarriage
    • Reproductive immunity disorder (a potential complication of endometriosis and corpus luteum defect) can also be a contributing factor to recurrent miscarriage.
  • Chemical pregnancy
  • Infertility

Diagnosis of Endometriosis and Corpus Luteum Defect

The diagnosis of endometriosis and corpus luteum defect is done separately. Imaging studies such as laparoscopy or B-Scan can only reveal if a patient has endometriosis, but it does not confirm that the patient also has corpus luteum defect.

Antai hospital diagnose and treat endometriosis with 3D laparoscopy as the 3-dimensional function allows for binocular depth perception, thus providing accurate measurements of the anatomical spaces for the surgeons to carry out the surgery with precision. 

The most effective method to diagnose corpus luteum defect is through blood tests. Click here to find out more about the various blood tests required and what to look out for.

Treatment of Endometriosis and Corpus Luteum Defect

Both endometriosis and corpus luteum defect must be properly treated in order to ensure a safe pregnancy. 

For endometriosis, using 3D laparoscopy to remove the cyst/lesions is by far the best method.

For corpus luteum defect, the most worrying effect of the condition is having recurrent miscarriage due to low levels of progesterone. Hence, the most suitable treatment method is to supplement the level of progesterone. Antai hospital provides personalised treatment for each patient by calculating the level of progesterone each patient require. The calculation method is very accurate and ensures that the progesterone is not under or over supplemented. Administering just the sufficient amount of progesterone is very important because over supplementation might result in the embryo being lodged too deep into the lining of the uterus, while under supplementation will still lead to a miscarriage. 

Antai offers contractual treatment with a full refund policy for unsuccessful treatment. Enquire with Antai hospital today.

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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