Endometriosis can cause recurrent miscarriage – Antai Hospital

Endometriosis and chocolate cysts is an insufferable condition that leads to recurrent miscarriage. 3D laparoscopy available at Antai hospital for effective treatment. 

Endometriosis and Recurrent Miscarriage

Antai hospital diagnose and treat endometriosis/ovarian endometrioma with 3D laparoscopy as it is by far the most accurate method of diagnosis and the 3D function allows for greater precision than the conventional 2D laparoscopy. 

Endometriosis is a condition where the tissues that were supposed to be inside of your uterine cavity grow abnormally outside of your uterine cavity. 

Instead of the uterine cavity, patients with endometriosis usually have the tissues grown on their:

  • Ovaries
  • Fallopian tubes
  • Pelvis

A subset of endometriosis is ovarian endometrioma, also known as chocolate cysts. Chocolate cysts refer to tissues that grow in the ovaries. 

Although they all belong under the big umbrella of endometriosis, this article will have two distinct labels to be more precise. Tissues grown in the ovaries will be labelled as “chocolate cysts”, while tissues grown in the fallopian tubes and pelvis will be labelled as “endometriosis”. 


About 80 percent of patients with endometriosis or chocolate cysts has no symptoms, which is why if patients with these conditions had a miscarriage, it is often termed as “unexplained miscarriage”.

The biggest difference in endometriosis and chocolate cysts is what the patients experience during their period. Patients with endometriosis experience extremely painful period that intensifies with each month and painful sexual intercourse. On the other hand, patients with chocolate cysts experience normal period pain and normal sexual intercourse.

However, endometriosis and chocolate cysts display similar symptoms such as:

  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Infertility
  • Chemical pregnancy


The diagnosis differs for each individual. Here are some of the methods to diagnose endometriosis or chocolate cysts:

  • Laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is the ideal diagnosis method of endometriosis or chocolate cysts. Not only can laparoscopy be used for diagnosis, but a laparoscopic surgery can also treat endometriosis and chocolate cysts by removing the tissues grown in abnormal places.
  • 3D laparoscopy. Antai diagnose and treat endometriosis/chocolate cysts with 3D laparoscopy as it is a level above normal laparoscopy. 3D laparoscopy brings about less risks as the 3-dimensional function allows for binocular depth perception, thus providing accurate measurements of the anatomical spaces for the surgeons to carry out the surgery with precision.


  • CA 125 tests for the amount of protein in your blood. However, only about 20 percent to 30 percent of patients have elevated CA 125. Additionally, it also does not reveal the severity of the condition. Hence, although CA 125 level is an indicator, it is not specific to the diagnosis of endometriosis or chocolate cysts.
  • B-Scan. Imaging studies such as a B-Scan can be used to see if a patient has chocolate cysts. However, it cannot detect mild endometriosis where there are only small amounts of tissues in an abnormal position outside of the ovaries.

Why Does Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts Cause Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility?

Whether it is endometriosis or chocolate cysts, both conditions can cause recurrent miscarriage and infertility.

When the tissues grow in an abnormal place, the following factors will affect pregnancy and fertility:

  • Paracrine. The paracrine will secrete hormones that will affect the ability of an egg to be fertilized by a sperm.
  • Luteal Phase Defect. Ovaries with chocolate cysts will make it less likely for the eggs to mature. This will ultimately lead to luteal phase defect. Patients with luteal phase defect have a high risk of miscarriage as they are unable to support implantation, develop an embryo, and maintain pregnancy.

Hence, endometriosis and chocolate cysts are strong catalyst of recurrent early miscarriage and infertility. 

Complications of Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts – Reproductive Immunity Disorder

Endometriosis and chocolate cysts can result in early miscarriages. Usually, clearing of the womb is required after a miscarriage to ensure no attachments remain inside the uterus. The procedure involves scraping of the uterine lining, and during the process, there is a high possibility for paternal genes to enter the mother’s bloodstream. Having paternal genes in the mother’s bloodstream will result in her body developing anti-fetal antibodies (reproductive immunity disorder). Hence, patients tend to have reproductive immunity disorder as a complication of having endometriosis or chocolate cysts. Having a reproductive immunity disorder on top of luteal phase defect will make it almost impossible maintain a pregnancy, thus causing recurrent miscarriage.


Some patients may require several treatments depending on where the tissues have grown and whether there are any complications. 

Following are the treatment methods:

  • 3D Laparoscopic Surgery. For chocolate cysts, the cysts in the ovaries are removed via the 3D laparoscopic surgery. For the endometriosis, the tissues in the fallopian tubes and pelvis will be cut off (excision) or removed with a laser bean or electric current (electrocautery) under a 3D laparoscopic surgery.
  • Progesterone Supplement. Patients with luteal phase defect will be supplemented with progesterone either via tablets or injections. The amount of progesterone supplemented will depend on how much a patient lack. Usually, patients will only need to take progesterone supplements until their third month of pregnancy because by then, the placenta would be fully formed and take over the role of maintaining a pregnancy. 
  • Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a must to treat patients with reproductive immunity disorder where anti-fetal antibodies are present in their bodies. Dr Chen Fenglin’s clinical research found that this form of reproductive immunity disorder accounts for 70 percent of unexplained recurrent miscarriages. The patented immunotherapy is available only at Antai hospital.

Antai hospital offers contractual treatment with a full refund policy for unsuccessful treatment. Get in touch with us today!

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