Early Miscarriage: Symptoms Causes and Treatments

Early miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of the pregnancy before the 12th week (first trimester). Early miscarriage is responsible for roughly 85 percent of all miscarriages. 

Although early miscarriage is relatively common, it is still a painful experience for the mother. Often, the mothers would blame themselves and feel an immense amount of guilt. However, early miscarriage is rarely the fault of the mother. Most early pregnancy losses happen because the fetus is unable to develop naturally.

It is essential to understand the common causes of early miscarriages and receive appropriate treatments to prevent future miscarriages.

The Symptoms of Early Miscarriage Include:

  • Abdominal pain (cramping)
  • Vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • Fluid discharged from the vagina

Note: It is not definite that you have a miscarriage if you experience any of these symptoms. However, you should visit your gynecologist for a check-up if any of these symptoms are present to ensure that you and your baby are safe. 

Causes and Treatment of Early Miscarriage:

Chromosomal Abnormalities in the Embryo

Chromosomal abnormalities leading to early miscarriage is a severe form of chromosome mutation that develops as the embryo divides and grows. Chromosome abnormalities in embryo are the most common cause of early miscarriages. Examples such as polyploidy and haploidy are conditions that will lead to embryonic demise. This abnormality usually occurs by chance and is not inherited from the parents. 


As this condition is not inherited from parents, there is no definite treatment or preventive measures that can be taken. It is merely by chance that the embryo did not normally divide as it develops. It is a common misconception that embryonic demise is the result of inheriting chromosomal abnormalities from parents. Click HERE to find out why. 

Immunological Disorder (Maternal Health Condition)

An immunological disorder will lead to early miscarriage because anti-embryonic antibodies are present in the mother’s body. The anti-embryonic antibodies detect the embryo as a foreign protein that needs to be expelled out of the body. The anti-embryonic antibodies attack the embryo leading to a miscarriage. 

Women with this disorder will experience early miscarriages. Currently, up to 50 percent of early miscarriages are unexplained. Research by Dr Chen Fenglin, an obstetrician and gynecologist, revealed that immunological disorder accounts for 70 percent of unexplained miscarriage cases. 

Most women with an immunological disorder have undergone an induced abortion before. Sometimes, it can also be caused by childbirth and sexual intercourse during menstruation. 


A blood test is required to detect the anti-embryonic antibody level in the patient’s body. This blood test is available at Antai Hospital

Once it is a confirmed case of immunological disorder, patients need to undergo immunotherapy to lower their anti-embryonic antibody level. Immunotherapy is simple and minimally invasive. Each treatment only requires four rounds of injection into the upper arm (intradermal injection). This immunotherapy is a treatment method unique to Antai Hospital. It is highly effective, with a 95 percent success rate. 

Click HERE to find out more about the treatment. 

Septate Uterus

A septate uterus is a malformation of the uterus, otherwise known as uterus anomaly. It is a congenital disorder that women are born with. A septate uterus is the most common uterine anomaly, where the septum divides the uterus partially or entirely. It can cause early miscarriage because there might be insufficient blood supply to sustain an embryo.


Usually, a doctor would not carry out a septate uterus diagnosis test unless the woman is suffering from recurrent miscarriages. Imaging studies such as an ultrasound or an MRI can confirm a case of septate uterus. 

A hysteroscopy is needed to treat a septate uterus. This procedure is minimally invasive because it does not require a large abdominal incision. 

Corpus Luteum Insufficiency

Corpus Luteum Insufficiency is an endocrine disorder, which is a result of low progesterone levels. Progesterone is also known as “pregnancy hormones.” A low progesterone level will affect a woman’s ability to have a healthy pregnancy. It causes early miscarriage because it hinders implantation, embryo formation, and pregnancy maintenance.


Luteal phase defect treatments include:

  • Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) 
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
  • Progesterone injections, oral pills, or vaginal suppositories 

You can discuss these treatment methods with your doctor to find the most suitable one.

Future Pregnancies

It is common to become pregnant again quickly after a miscarriage. However, couples should ensure that they are physically and mentally ready to ensure that the next pregnancy is healthy and happy. 

If you are trying to become pregnant, it is essential to consult your doctor to identify the underlying causes of miscarriage and receive appropriate treatment, especially for recurrent miscarriages. If doctors cannot determine the cause of your early miscarriage, you may consult with Antai Hospital to test if it is an immunological disorder. Do not lose hope. Many women with early miscarriage or recurrent early miscarriage go on to have healthy pregnancies. The key is to find the causes of a miscarriage first and receive treatment before trying to conceive.

Antai hospital is the only private hospital that offers contractual recurrent miscarriage treatment with a full refund policy. Please email [email protected] for any enquiry.

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