Do chromosomal abnormalities in couples cause the occurrence of recurrent miscarriages? – Antai Hospital

Do chromosomal abnormalities in couples cause the occurrence of recurrent miscarriages?

The answer is NO because despite having genetic abnormalities, it does not mean that you are unhealthy. If you or your partner have been diagnosed by your doctors for having chromosomal abnormalities and have been advised to either give up on having children, seek adoption or surrogacy. We are here to confirm that you can still have healthy offspring of your own with the correct diagnosis and treatment. 

To go deeper into the topic, let us explain the definition of a chromosome, the different types of chromosomal abnormalities and why your “misdiagnosis” is not the reason behind recurrent miscarriages.

Chromosomes are the genetic materials of all living organisms, made of packaging proteins and DNA, formed during the process of cell division. The normal human individual has 46 chromosomes of specific shape and structure. Any abnormalities in the shape or structure of the chromosomes will result in chromosomal abnormality, and all conditions that are a result of this chromosomal abnormality are known as genetic disorders. Currently, there are up to 100 known genetic disorders.

Right before the formation of an embryo, the ovum and the sperm will first meet and fuse together intimately, and this is where normal genetic variation and mutation occurs. It is important to note that during this phase, abnormal mutations may occur as well. There are 3 primary abnormal chromosomal mutations that occur: Lethal mutations, deformity-causing mutations and lastly, carrier-mutation.

Firstly, lethal mutations are defined as severely mutated chromosomes, to be specific the chromosomes are expressed in polyploidy and haploidy (normal individual: 46 chromosomes XX; affected individuals: 23 X,69 XXX or even up to 92 XXXX). As the name suggests, in these rare cases where polyploidy do occur, the newly formed embryo has very little hope of further development and will wither away due to genetic instability, resulting in a definite early miscarriage. Individuals with this condition are unable to carry a child to full term and it is highly unlikely that any one of the couples have this form of mutation as you would have not been born in the first place.

Secondly, deformity-causing mutations is defined as having a moderate-level of mutated chromosomes. They have a different number of chromosomes compared to a healthy human (either more than 23 pairs, or less than 23 pairs). Individuals with these genetic abnormalities are physically and/or mentally disabled. They are also universally infertile because they have incomplete sex chromosomes that affect development of secondary sexual characteristics and reproductive abilities. Examples are such as Turner Syndrome (missing or only partial formation of X-chromosome), Klinefelter syndrome (having an extra X-chromosome) etc. So, it is unlikely that couples that can conceive have this type of chromosomal mutation.

Lastly, carrier-mutations are defined as having very mild chromosomal mutation. Their chromosomes have what is known as a balanced or chromosomal translocation and inversion [46, XY, t(5,12) ]. It is important to note that this mutation does not cause a lack of genetic information. The only notable distinction is that they have a different disposition of chromosomes as compared to normal chromosomes. These individuals are healthy, have functioning reproductive systems and are fully capable of having healthy offspring. As the name suggests, couples with this chromosomal mutation will “carry” on this type of chromosomal mutation to their next generation, whom will have similar dispositioned chromosomes as their parents. This mutation will cause no harm or detriment to their lives, and even more so will not cause recurrent miscarriages.

Now, with a better understanding of the different types of abnormal chromosome mutations that occur and their respective resulting outcomes, we can conclude that in the case of recurrent miscarriage, if you or your partner have been diagnosed with chromosomal abnormality, it is very likely that it is a carrier-mutation type. But as we have concluded earlier, we understand that this type of genetic mutation does not cause recurrent miscarriage and couples can still have healthy children. If it were true that the couple’s abnormal carrier-mutation chromosomes were the reason behind recurrent miscarriage, there would be no individuals left that are born with abnormal chromosomes mutations anymore. We are clearly overlooking another key factor in play here that has very little to do with the couple’s chromosome abnormality. 

This is a widely held misconception by many patients, even by some medical professionals, that assume the genetic abnormality of the couples (specifically, carrier-mutation) is simply the primary cause of their recurrent early miscarriages. Because of such misinformation and misdiagnosis, many patients are falsely led into believing they cannot have children, shattering their hopes of having a beautiful family. 

We would like to encourage all affected couples to keep your head up and to not give up hope. If you would like to seek clear clinical diagnosis and treatment for you and your partner, please visit us at Beijing Antai Hospital where we specialize in this field with over 18 years of experience. We investigate and treat more probable causes of recurrent miscarriages and specialize in screening for potential presence of anti-embryonic antibodies in the mother’s body. This is based on our founder, Dr Chen’s internationally renowned, specialized patented treatment with a 95% success rate with a full refund guaranteed. Please leave some comments for us below or to get in touch with us now.

Antai Hospital’s Commitment

Antai Hospital’s full refund policy for the miscarriage prevention treatments we provide should already be the best guarantee for a healthy pregnancy. Patients should rest assured, can and should go about their everyday life, focusing their diet on vegetables, beans, celery, and other fiber-rich foods. Besides that, an active lifestyle of yoga and swimming should also be incorporated to help relieve stress and increase blood circulation, which is beneficial for the fetus’s development and the mother’s health. With our assurance, a healthy lifestyle, and peace of mind, you can go through a healthy pregnancy with no complications.

Recurrent miscarriages are no doubt a heavy blow to the patient’s physical and mental health. All we can do is to help ease the burden and decrease your trauma, to slowly help you overcome the anxiety with the love and care that we provide at Antai Hospital.

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

1 Comment

  • Posted June 29, 2022

    Dear Sir,
    Good day to you!!

    This is RAJIBUL from Bangladesh. I need your help.

    I have received my karyotyping report after 2nd miscarriage of my wife. Report result is autosomal translocation. 46, XY, t(1;4) (q41;p16)

    Would you please advise us on the next step for having a baby.
    Thanks in advance

    Dhaka Bangladesh

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