Chromosomal Abnormality of Parents

Does Chromosomal Abnormality Cause Miscarriage?

No, chromosomal abnormalities do not cause recurrent miscarriages. Having chromosome abnormality does not mean that you are unhealthy and unable to have healthy pregnancies.

This article will explain to you why your recurrent miscarriages are not related to chromosome abnormalities while also discussing the different types of chromosomal abnormalities.

Right before the formation of an embryo, the ovum and the sperm will first meet and fuse together intimately, and this is where normal genetic variation and mutation occurs. It is important to note that during this phase, abnormal mutations may occur as well. There are 3 primary abnormal chromosomal mutations or abnormalities that may occur: Lethal mutationsdeformity-causing mutations and lastly, carrier-mutation.

There are three types of primary chromosomal abnormalities or mutations: 

  • Lethal Mutations:  Mutations that are lethal.
  • Deformity-Causing Mutations:  Mutations that lead to deformities.
  • Carrier Mutations:  Mutations inherited from previous generations.
Lethal Mutations

Chromosome abnormalities that lead to death is a very severe form of chromosome mutation. Examples include the chromosomes being expressed in polyploidy and haploidy (normal individual: 46 chromosomes XX; affected individuals: 23 X, 69 XXX or even up to 92 XXXX). These mutations cause genetic instability that causes the embryo to wither away in the early stages of pregnancy. If you do have this form of severe chromosome mutations, you will not even be born in the first place, much less get pregnant or suffer from miscarriages.

Deformity-Causing Mutations 

The severity of chromosome abnormalities leading to deformities is considered mild, usually they have a different number of chromosomes compared to a healthy human (either more than 23 pairs, or less than 23 pairs). Examples are such as Turner Syndrome (missing or only partial formation of X-chromosome), Klinefelter Syndrome (having an extra X-chromosome) etc. 

Individuals with these genetic abnormalities are physically and/or mentally impaired. They are also universally infertile because they have incomplete sex chromosomes that affect development of secondary sexual characteristics and reproductive abilities. Which is why couples experiencing recurrent miscarriages will not be suffering from this form of chromosome abnormalities because they would be disabled and unable to get pregnant in the first place.

Carrier Mutations

Chromosome abnormalities inherited from previous generations, also known as Carrier-Mutations, will not cause recurrent miscarriages. It is a form of mild mutation where the chromosomes are rearranged differently from the standard. Examples include chromosomal translocation or chromosomal inversion [46, XY, t(5,12) ] . 

Despite the rearranged chromosomes, they still carry the same amount of genetic information as a standard healthy human, neither lacking nor in excess. The health and development of the offspring will not be affected. These individuals will turn out completely normal and will be able to function healthily as well. This form of chromosome abnormalities will not lead to miscarriages. 

As the name suggests, couples with this chromosomal mutation will “carry” on this type of chromosomal mutation to their next generation, whom will have similar dispositioned chromosomes as their parents. This mutation will cause no harm or detriment to their lives, and even more so will not cause recurrent miscarriages. At the very most, their offspring will inherit the same type of rearranged chromosomes as the previous generations, of which they will still be able to function as a normal human being.   

To all hopeful couples, Do Not Give Up!

We understand it must have been such a painful and tiring journey, from being excited to have a baby, to suffer from miscarriages repeatedly, and finally to be told that your cases is untreatable because of chromosome abnormalities that are beyond your control.

We are here to assure you that even if you have chromosome abnormalities, it is not the cause of your recurrent miscarriages! If your abnormal chromosomes are so severe that it will cause death, you would not even be alive in the first place. If your abnormal chromosomes will cause disabilities, you would not even be able to get pregnant. At the very most, what you and your partner will have are those inherited abnormal chromosomes. Think about it — since you are alive and healthy, your abnormal chromosomes are most likely the rearranged chromosomes passed down from previous generations and if they were able to give birth, why would you not be able to do the same?

The cause of your recurrent miscarriages has got nothing to do with your abnormal chromosomes. Many times, recurrent miscarriages are due to immunological factors. Recurrent immunological miscarriages are currently classified under “unexplained”, which is responsible for up to 67 per cent of recurrent miscarriages. If you have not found an explanation for your recurrent miscarriages or have been told by doctors that there is no cure, please do not give up hope. It may be due to an immunological factor or another treatable factor which can be accurately diagnosed and treated at Antai Hospital. The diagnosis and treatment method used is a scientific breakthrough invention recognized and patented internationally. Click here to read the patents.

Antai Hospital has successfully treated thousands of recurrent miscarriage cases and guaranteed a full refund if you still suffer from a miscarriage after the treatment. Book an appointment with Antai Hospital today to find out more.

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