Chromosomal Abnormality & Miscarriages – Antai Hospital

Does chromosomal abnormality cause miscarriage?

No, chromosome abnormalities do not cause repeated miscarriages. It is a common misconception that chromosome abnormalities are a cause for repeated miscarriages. Having chromosome abnormalities does not mean that you are unhealthy. 

There are three types of chromosome abnormalities, and couples suffering from repeated miscarriages will not have the type that will affect their ability to carry a baby to full term. This article will share with you why, while explaining the types of chromosomal abnormalities.

There are three types of chromosome abnormalities: 

  1. Abnormalities that lead to death (lethal mutations)
  2. Abnormalities that lead to deformities 
  3. Abnormalities carried through the generations. (carrier mutations)

Abnormalities that lead to death

Chromosomal abnormalities that lead to death is a very severe form of chromosome mutation. Examples include polyploidy, haploidy, etc. These result in a natural miscarriage as the embryo dies, and the baby will not be born. Think about it, if you carry this form severe chromosome mutations, you will not even have a chance at survival, much less affect your offspring and suffer from miscarriages.

Abnormality that leads to deformities 

The severity of chromosomal abnormalities leading to deformities is moderate, usually where the number of chromosomes present is different from a standard healthy human. Such deformities include trisomy 21 or trisomy 22, where the chromosomes are present thrice in all cells of the body (chromosomes of healthy humans appear twice). Other cases include Turner syndrome (individuals with more than one Y chromosome), or Klinefelter syndrome (individuals with more than one X chromosome). Likewise, couples experiencing repeated miscarriages will not be suffering from this form of chromosome abnormalities because they would be disabled and unable to get pregnant in the first place.

Abnormalities carried through the generations

The only possible type of chromosome abnormalities carried by couples suffering from repeated miscarriages are those that have been carried down generationally. It is a mild abnormality where the chromosomes are rearranged differently from the standard. Examples include chromosomal translocation or chromosomal inversion. Despite the rearranged chromosomes, they still carry the same genetic information as a standard healthy human. The health and development of the offspring will not be affected. These individuals appear normal and will be able to function normally as well. This form of chromosome abnormalities will not lead to miscarriages. At the very most, their offspring will inherit the same type rearranged chromosomes as the previous generations, of which they will still be able to function as a normal human being.   


To all couples out there that have been told that they will not be able to have babies naturally because they have abnormal chromosomes, please know that it is not true at all. It is extremely disheartening to hear that you will not be able to carry your baby to full term naturally when you are trying to establish a family. It must have been such a tiring journey, from being excited to have a baby, to suffer from miscarriages repeatedly, and finally to be told that your case is untreatable because of chromosome abnormalities that are beyond your control. We are here to assure you that even if you have chromosome abnormalities, they are not the cause of your repeated miscarriages! If your abnormal chromosomes are so severe that it will cause death, you would not even be alive in the first place. If your abnormal chromosomes will cause disabilities, you would not even be able to get pregnant, much less suffer from repeated miscarriages. At the very most, the only type of abnormal chromosomes couples suffering from repeated miscarriages will have are those rearranged chromosomes passed down generationally, which is neither life-threatening nor will it affect the quality of life. Think about it — since you are alive and healthy, your abnormal chromosomes are most likely the rearranged chromosomes passed down from previous generations and if they were able to give birth, why would you not be able to do the same? 

The cause of your repeated miscarriages has got nothing to do with your abnormal chromosomes. Many times, repeated miscarriages are due to immunological factors. Immunological repeated miscarriages are currently classified under “unexplained”, which is responsible for up to 50 per cent of repeated miscarriages. If you have not found an explanation for your repeated miscarriages or have been told by doctors that there is no cure, please do not give up hope. It may be due to an immunological factor which can be accurately diagnosed and treated at Antai Hospital with a patented method invented by Dr Chen Fenglin. His method is simple and safe. With his techniques, he and his team treated over 34,000 women with a 95% success rate. You are also guaranteed a full refund if you still suffer from a miscarriage after the treatment. Book an appointment with Antai Hospital today to find out more.

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