Cervical Incompetency: Diagnosis & Treatment

Cervical insufficiency is the inability of the cervix to retain fetus, in the absence of uterine contractions or labor (painless cervical dilatation), owing to a functional or structural defect. It is cervical ripening that occurs far from the term. Cervical insufficiency is rarely a distinct and well defined clinical entity but only part of a large and more complex spontaneous preterm birth syndrome.

  • B-scan ultrasonography (B-scan). B-scan is used to measure cervical length. A cervix less than 25 millimeters in length before the third trimester is a short cervix that requires treatment.
  • Vaginal Exam. A vaginal exam can measure how much the cervix has dilated.
  • Women with the conditions mentioned in risk factors above
  • Women who have had one or more late miscarriages or extreme preterm births (before week 28)
  • Women with a history of painless cervical dilation

Antai Cervical Ring is used to tighten the cervix’s internal orifice to increase it functional strength and fortitude, preventing a potential miscarriage.

Antai Hospital’s cervical ring is a minimally invasive (keyhole procedure).

The procedure takes about one hour, and patients are required to go under general anesthesia.

During the procedure, our gynecologic surgeon will make small incisions at the lower abdomen and place the Antai Cervical Ring at the cervix’s internal orifice to tighten it. The surgeon will customize the ring for each patient to ensure that it supports the cervix perfectly. The ring will be tight enough to prevent a miscarriage, but the uterine artery’s blood flow will remain unaffected.

Do consult your doctor to diagnose the cause of your late miscarriage. If the reason for your miscarriage is cervical insufficiency,  it is highly advisable to place the transabdominal cerclage before your next pregnancy.

However, Antai Hospital also treats emergency cases where women are diagnosed with cervical insufficiency only after pregnancy. Antai Hospital has a proven track record of saving pregnancies with a high risk of miscarriage due to cervical insufficiency.

Please contact us for more information.

Yes, the Antai Cervical Ring is FDA approved. All our patients suffered no side effects, and no bed rest is required. Our surgeons are highly skilled, with over a decade of experience performing this procedure. We have a 100 percent success rate in preventing late miscarriage due to cervical insufficiency.

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