Cervical Adhesions and Infertility: Unlocking the Path to Parenthood

Cervical adhesions are a common factor contributing to infertility, as the cervix serves not only as a passage for sperm but also as an outlet for menstrual flow. When the cervical canal becomes adhered, it can lead to obstructed menstrual flow, causing painful periods, while also hindering sperm from entering the uterus, resulting in infertility. Different scenarios may arise, including reduced menstrual flow, extended cycles, and even amenorrhea in severe cases, where menstrual blood may flow backward into the abdominal cavity.

Cervical Adhesions and Infertility

The underlying causes of cervical adhesions are often acquired postnatally, frequently stemming from deep scraping or excessive trauma to the cervical canal during uterine procedures. Diagnosis relies heavily on clinical manifestations and medical history, particularly instances of prior uterine operations and multiple abortions. Additionally, secondary indications, such as decreased menstrual flow and prolonged menstrual periods, can offer valuable diagnostic clues. For instance, a regular cycle typically entails menstruation lasting 3-5 days, but post-surgery, it might take 7-10 days or even longer to achieve the same level of cleanliness, suggesting potential obstruction and prompting suspicion of cervical adhesions.

Accurate diagnosis entails panoramic four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasonography alongside gynecological examinations, while colposcopy-assisted cervical probing confirms the condition. Hysteroscopy not only serves as a diagnostic tool but also offers a therapeutic solution, simplifying treatment for cervical adhesions. The procedure involves removing adhesions in the cervical canal and placing a contrast-filled catheter for a designated period, preventing the formation of new adhesions. Subsequently, normality is restored in time for the next menstrual cycle.

For such cases of infertility, our hospital adopts a tailored approach to treatment, ensuring clear treatment outcomes. With successful treatment, regular menstruation is reestablished, setting the stage for successful conception. May every aspiring mother find a suitable treatment strategy on their path to parenthood.

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