Understanding Miscarriage

HPV & Cancers: How do they form? – Antai Hospital

HPV & Cancers: How do they form? Cancer related conditions are considered the leading cause of death for both men and women worldwide. With regards to HPV, this infectious disease is transmitted sexually from skin-to-skin contact via vaginal, anal, and oral sex, and can lead to the common hand warts and genital warts. These are generally harmless, and over time,…

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Bleeding During Pregnancy? What causes them? – Antai Hospital

During pregnancy, if you have experienced any type of vaginal bleeding, regardless of what kind and amount, you must seek immediate medical attention with your physician. Although some vaginal bleeding is considered unproblematic, but it can be a potential sign of an oncoming miscarriage or other complications. What causes bleeding? Bleeding during pregnancy is caused by implantation problems, inflammation, hormonal…

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Hyperemesis Gravidarum: HCG Desensitizer – Antai Hospital

Hyperemesis Gravidarum: HCG-Desensitizer – Antai Hospital Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a rare and severe form of pregnancy disorder that affects less than 1% of women globally with severe characteristics such as extreme nausea, insomnia, excessive salivation and others that can put maternal and fetal life in danger. It is important to not confuse typical morning sickness with HG, the 2 vastly…

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What cancers can HPV infections cause? – Antai Hospital

HPV (the Human Papilloma Virus) leads to one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Most of the time, it does not cause any symptoms. Typical symptoms are warts, and they can appear on arms, chest, feet etc. These are known as cutaneous HPV infections, where they cause warts on surface layer skins. Another type of warts only occurs in…

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New High Risk HPV Infections: Prevention & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Introduction HPV, known as the Human Papilloma Virus, is one of the most transmitted STIs (sexually transmitted infections). It is commonly transmitted via sexual conduct including vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse. If you are sexually active at any given moment, you have a 50% chance of being infected with HPV, this is how common it is. However, 90% of HPV…

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Adenomyosis Management without Hysterectomy – Antai Hospital

Introduction Adenomyosis is uterine disorder very much like endometriosis, where the inner uterine lining is displaced within the uterine muscle wall (uterine myometrium). Since these displaced tissues continue to shed, thicken, and bleed in each menstrual cycle, it is known to cause excruciating menses pains, and excessive bleeding. These cluster of tissue transform into black colored lesions we call Adenomyoma.…

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Blighted Ovum (Anembryonic Pregnancy): Diagnosis & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Introduction: A blighted ovum is clinically known as an anembryonic pregnancy. This is a form of fetal demise or miscarriage that occurs because the embryo ceases to develop any further and gets resorbed into the endometrium, leaving behind a distinct empty gestational sac.  Anembryonic pregnancies belong within the subset of missed abortions and account for 10-15% of all spontaneous early…

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MRKH Syndrome: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital

MRKH Syndrome Introduction:Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH Syndrome), also know as Mullerian agenesis is the congenital complete or partial absence of the uterus, cervix, and parts of the upper vaginal canal. This rare and congenital disorder is characterized with the failure of the Mullerian Ducts to develop during embryogenesis. MRKH syndrome affects 1 in 4000 – 5000 Women with this disorder can…

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Late Miscarriage Cause 4: Hyperemesis Gravidarum – Antai Hospital

Late Miscarriage & Hyperemesis Gravidarum Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a rare, complex and highly threatening pregnancy disorder that affects 1-2 % of pregnant women. It has 3 distinct key symptoms: Violent Vomiting & Nausea, Excessive Salivation and Insomnia. It also has a variety of other secondary symptoms that is different from patient to patient. A truly debilitating and dangerous complication, with…

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