Understanding Miscarriage

Birthing Custard or Vernix Caseosa: Why is it important?   – Antai Hospital

Birthing Custard or Vernix Caseosa: Why is it important?  – Antai Hospital Vernix Caseosa, sometimes referred to as birthing custard is the cheese-like material that covers a fetus, which can be directly observed during labor. The substance, previously thought to be an unimportant byproduct of labor, is now understood to be a crucial by-product that carries important functions for both…

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How to properly diagnose and treat Endometriosis – Antai Hospital

How to properly diagnose Endometriosis – Antai Hospital Endometriosis is chronic condition, that is a rather common, serious condition that has serious reproductive consequences. The condition is described as the displacement of endometrial tissue to abnormal locations not limited to the reproductive system, these include the fallopian tube, outer uterine walls, pelvic cavity, intestines, rectum etc. During each menses cycle,…

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Fetal Demise or Stillbirth: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Fetal Demise: Cause and Risks – Antai Hospital Fetal demise, also known as intrauterine fetal death, is a fetal arrest or death of a baby in the uterus. This situation is also referred to as stillbirth.  For stillbirths that occur within the first trimester, they are defined as embryonic demise. For those that are experiencing a stillbirth after week 12…

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Recurrent Miscarriage Full Diagnostics and Examinations – Antai Hospital

Recurrent Miscarriage Checkup & Diagnostics – Antai Hospital Antai Hospital specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of all forms of miscarriage, including early miscarriages, late miscarriage, and recurrent miscarriage. With over 25 years of experience and internationally patented expertise, we have tabulated that there are up to 44 individual causes that can lead to the outcome of a miscarriage. So,…

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Excessive Vaginal Relaxation or “Loose Vagina”: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Excessive Vaginal Relaxation or Loose Vagina – Antai Hospital Excessive vaginal relaxation or loose vagina are referring to the condition where the vaginal wall tissue, supporting ligaments and gaps in the pelvic cavity that are failing to support and maintain its structure, leading to a form prolapse. This loss of structural and tissue integrity causes the feeling of tightness in…

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Transverse Vaginal Septum: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Transverse Vaginal Septum – Antai Hospital A transverse vaginal septum is a condition where there is a presence of a thick wall of tissue that is growing end to end across the vaginal opening, depending on severity can cause a partial or entire blockage of the vagina. This tissue is referred to as the septum, very similar to the same…

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Vulvitis: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Vulvitis: Causes & Treatment – Antai Hospital Vulvitis is characterized as an inflammation of the vulva, specifically occurring at the external female genitalia: in the labia, clitoris, and the vaginal opening. This inflammation can be caused by a number of reasons and is prone to happen due to the warm and moist conditions of the external vagina. Those who have…

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Caeserean Section or Caeserean Delivery – Antai Hospital

The Caesarean Section is an emergency surgical protocol, for the purpose of protecting mother and child, that is used to deliver babies through an incision of the mother’s abdomen. A C-section is required if vaginal delivery is proven to be difficult or causing complications to both mother and baby, reasons may include fetal distress, umbilical cord around the baby, breech…

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Missed Miscarriage: What is it ? – Antai Hospital

A missed miscarriage, sometimes referred to as a silent miscarriage, means that the pregnancy: the fetus or the embryo, depending on the stage of which it occurs, has already died, and remains in the uterine cavity. However, the body does not recognize this yet and therefore does not exhibit the typical symptoms of vaginal bleeding and abdominal pains that you…

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Specialized Selective Dorsal Neurectomy: Highly Effective Treatment for Premature Ejaculation – Antai Hospital

Premature Ejaculation (PE) is the most common sexual dysfunction suffered by men, roughly one thirds of the adult male population experiencing it. PE is defined as the ejaculation that happens within 1-3 minutes of vaginal penetration. Some men ejaculate as soon as foreplay starts. Others lose control when they try to insert their penis, while some ejaculate very quickly after…

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