Causes and effects of miscarriage

Cervical Atresia Treatment: Explained – Antai Hospital

Introduction Cervical atresia is caused by the painless dilation of the cervix and the inability to lock in, causing the amniotic membrane to prolapse and resulting in a potential water rupture and subsequently, a miscarriage. This situation occurs in the midstof pregnancy, and will cause repeated abortion in the middle of pregnancy, also can be said to be late habitual…

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Endometriosis Treatment without Hysterectomy – Antai Hospital

Endometriosis Treatment: Pregnancy Can Be Achieved Introduction In layman terms, the endometrium covers the body cavity of the uterus, and if for some reason the endometrium grows in other parts of the body (not limited to the pelvic cavity), it is known as Endometriosis. Endometriosis is known to cause infertility, miscarriage, painful periods and painful intercourse, so it is easily…

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Asherman’s Syndrome aka Intrauterine Adhesions : Effective Treatment – Antai Hospital

Treatment of Intrauterine Adhesions Keywords: endometrium; hysteroscopic surgery; intrauterine adhesion; pathophysiology; prevention Introductions Intrauterine adhesion (IUA), and its severe form Asherman syndrome (Asherman’s syndrome), is a common uterine disease, often accompanied with severe clinical problems contributing to a significant impairment of reproductive function, such as menstrual disturbance (amenorrhea), infertility or recurrent miscarriage. Among these, its correlated infertility may be one…

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PCOS & Oligomenorrhea: Effective One Time Surgical Treatment – Antai Hospital

PCOS & Oligomenorrhea – Antai Hospital Introduction: Oligomenorrhea Oligomenorrhea is the condition where the patient is a woman that menstruates very infrequently and irregularly. Their cycle is usually at intervals of longer than 30-35 days and it causes them to only menstruate 4-8 times a year, or less, instead of once every month. Some change in menstrual flow is normal…

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Adenomyosis & Recurrent Early Miscarriage: No Hysterectomy – Antai Hospital

Adenomyosis and Recurrent Early Miscarriage Overview  Every month, the innermost layer of your uterus (endometrium) will thicken and shed, and that is how menstruation happens. Adenomyosis is a uterine condition where the cells and tissues that were supposed to thicken on your endometrium end up growing in the middle layer of the uterus (myometrium) instead. We call these wrongly situated…

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Hyperemesis & Recurrent Late Miscarriage – Antai Hospital

Hyperemesis and Recurrent Late Miscarriage Overview Morning sickness is a common and mild symptom of pregnancy, where the pregnant woman experiences mild vomiting and occasional nausea amongst other harmless discomforts. Hyperemesis Gravidum is very much alike morning sickness, but only far more severe. It is a rare pregnancy complication experienced by pregnant women, symptoms include violent vomiting (bile, stomach inner…

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Uterine Fibroid & Recurrent Late Miscarriage – Antai Hospital

Uterine Fibroids and Recurrent Late Miscarriages Overview Uterine fibroids are benign growths of smooth muscles in the uterus, which is considered one of the factors causing recurrent late miscarriages. They account for 2 factors that cause miscarriages to happen: Blood-Insufficiency / Competition of Nutrients (Early miscarriage) Pressure Induced (Late Miscarriage) Although they are benign, depending on their size and numbers,…

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Cervical Hypertrophy: Introduction & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Cervical Hypertrophy: Introduction & Treatment – Antai Hospital Introduction Cervical hypertrophy is a chronic cervicitis, a pathogenic infection of cervical mucosa caused by inflammatory changes. The pathogens that lead to this disease are mycoplasma, chlamydia, bacteria, viruses, simple hypertrophy will not affect pregnancy, serious cervicitis, can cause endometritis, fallopian tube ovaritis, fallopian tube adhesion, obstruction, resulting in infertility. Often, cervicitis…

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Effective Treatment for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia – I (CIN- 1) – Antai Hospital

Treatment for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) – Antai Hospital Cervical cancer is the most common neoplasm encountered during pregnancy, and it is estimated to occur in 1–10 per 10,000 pregnancies. In recent years, the incidence of cervical dysplasia diagnosed in pregnant women has substantially increased which is related to a general increase in the prevalence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)…

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PCOS is a congenital condition – Antai Hospital

PCOS: Is it a congenital condition? Introduction Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is considered the most common endocrine disorder in females, especially in women of reproductive age. The worldwide prevalence of PCOS is estimated to be 5–10%. PCOS could be diagnosed by infertility, acne, amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, insulin resistance, obesity, hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries by ultrasonography. Association of PCOS with…

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