Can Heparin & Aspirin be used to treat blood insufficiency recurrent miscarriage?

This article focuses on how several hospitals and medical institutions administer a common but ineffective preventive treatment used for blood-insufficiency recurrent miscarriage, which is the administration of Heparin and Aspirin to the patient, with the intention of reducing the blood-insufficiency via anti-coagulation.

What are the causes of a Blood-Insufficiency Miscarriage?

Listed below are the organic disease conditions that can potentially cause a blood-insufficiency miscarriage:

Congenital uterine malformation:

Due to the imbalance of connective tissues to muscle tissues ratio (excess connective tissues), which causes a restriction in blood supply (shortage of oxygen and nutrients) for the growing embryo.

Competition due to benign growths:

These growths although benign, are competing with the fetus in terms of blood flow for its own continual growth, affecting the pregnancy.

Both these conditions can lead to potential threatened miscarriages and if not treated correctly, can lead to fetal demise or an inevitable miscarriage. Although doctors are aware that for this type of miscarriage, a supplementation of HCG is ineffective, but they still proceed with the wrong treatment when they decide to administer Heparin or Aspirin to treat this condition.

Why anticoagulants such as Heparin and Aspirin are ineffective?

Heparin and Aspirin are anticoagulants that make the blood thinner and able to travel faster through blood vessels and organs. Although in theory, this method sounds feasible to tackle the blood insufficiency problem, but it carries no effect at all.

Blood insufficiency threatened miscarriage are caused by the organic diseases mentioned above and cannot be treated via medication. Heparin and Aspirin does nothing to solve the tissue ratio imbalance in the uterus (uterine malformation), the morphology of the uterus, the blood-flow competition between the fetus and benign growths, the only effective method is via surgery. Which is why in cases of blood insufficiency miscarriages, where heparin and aspiring are prescribed, the pregnancy ends in an inevitable miscarriage.

Furthermore, during pregnancy, the mother will be in a state of hypercoagulation, known as Acquired Hypercoagulation. During the gestation period, the mother’s blood clots more easily than normal as a form of defense mechanism/natural protection, in the case of any bleeding injuries and potential vaginal bleeding. This can significantly reduce possible pregnancy complications related to bleeding as the mother can heal faster than usual. By administering Heparin or Aspirin to pregnant patients, it alters their normal pregnancy physiological state into a pathological problem. It reduces their blood clotting abilities, which puts them in a vulnerable state in case of a potential injury or infection, and potential cause adverse or critical gestational problems.


This is another classic example of iatrogenesis. Administration of Heparin and Aspirin cannot prevent a blood-insufficiency miscarriage because the underlying causes are due to organic diseases. It can be equated with using antibiotics to treat viral infections which is ineffective. 

Due to a lack of knowledge and expertise, these patients needlessly lose their pregnancy when it can be saved. Here at Antai Hospital, we are specializing in the saving of pregnancies and treatment of recurrent miscarriages with a success rate of 95%. We understand the 43 diseases that can causes your recurrent miscarriage and provide effective treatment that focuses on the primary cause of the disease. A full refund is guaranteed in cases of failure of treatment.

Contact us to find out more.

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