Excessive Vaginal Relaxation or Loose Vagina – Antai Hospital Excessive vaginal relaxation or loose vagina are referring to the condition where the vaginal wall tissue, supporting ligaments and gaps in the pelvic cavity that are failing to support and maintain its structure, leading to a form prolapse. This loss of structural and tissue integrity causes the feeling of tightness in…
Transverse Vaginal Septum: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital

Transverse Vaginal Septum – Antai Hospital A transverse vaginal septum is a condition where there is a presence of a thick wall of tissue that is growing end to end across the vaginal opening, depending on severity can cause a partial or entire blockage of the vagina. This tissue is referred to as the septum, very similar to the same…
Vulvitis: Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital
Vulvitis: Causes & Treatment – Antai Hospital Vulvitis is characterized as an inflammation of the vulva, specifically occurring at the external female genitalia: in the labia, clitoris, and the vaginal opening. This inflammation can be caused by a number of reasons and is prone to happen due to the warm and moist conditions of the external vagina. Those who have…
Caeserean Section or Caeserean Delivery – Antai Hospital

The Caesarean Section is an emergency surgical protocol, for the purpose of protecting mother and child, that is used to deliver babies through an incision of the mother’s abdomen. A C-section is required if vaginal delivery is proven to be difficult or causing complications to both mother and baby, reasons may include fetal distress, umbilical cord around the baby, breech…
Missed Miscarriage: What is it ? – Antai Hospital
A missed miscarriage, sometimes referred to as a silent miscarriage, means that the pregnancy: the fetus or the embryo, depending on the stage of which it occurs, has already died, and remains in the uterine cavity. However, the body does not recognize this yet and therefore does not exhibit the typical symptoms of vaginal bleeding and abdominal pains that you…
Specialized Selective Dorsal Neurectomy: Highly Effective Treatment for Premature Ejaculation – Antai Hospital
Premature Ejaculation (PE) is the most common sexual dysfunction suffered by men, roughly one thirds of the adult male population experiencing it. PE is defined as the ejaculation that happens within 1-3 minutes of vaginal penetration. Some men ejaculate as soon as foreplay starts. Others lose control when they try to insert their penis, while some ejaculate very quickly after…
Septate Uterus: Underestimated and Undiagnosed – Antai Hospital
The septate uterus is a commonly misdiagnosed, undiagnosed, and neglected condition, which many doctors and experts of the field believe to be a relatively harmless factor in infertility, ectopic pregnancies, chemical pregnancy and recurrent miscarriage. In Antai Hospital’s 20-year history in the treatment of all pregnancy related complications, the most common cause we have observed is an untreated septate that…
Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (LSIL): Cause & Treatment – Antai Hospital – Antai Hospital

Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (LSIL) is one test result you can get from a Pap Test that indicates abnormal findings. LSIS is also referred to as mild cervical dysplasia, which means that there are abnormalities in your cervical cells. However, it does not mean pre-cancerous, or cancer stage has been reached, but may potentially be the next outcome if proper…
Bartholin’s Cyst: Cause and Treatment with 安太液 – Antai Hospital
The Bartholin’s cysts are a common cyst of the vulvar, that originates from the Bartholin glands. The Batholin’s glands are situated on each side of the labia and are responsible for secreting fluids and mucous for the lubrication of the vagina. However, it can lead to these swelling cysts if the glands are obstructed or blocked, which leads to the…
Ectopic Pregnancy: How to prevent another ectopic from happening ? – Antai Hospital

Ectopic pregnancy is a specific condition where the fertilized egg cell has implanted outside of the designated location: the uterine cavity. It can be implanted in several different locations such as the fallopian tubes (90% of all ectopic), the pelvic cavity, the cervical neck, the ovaries etc. It is commonly associated with the symptoms of vaginal bleeding and abdominal pains.…