Author page: admin

Hysterectomy Recovery: Remedies for the side-effects of Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is, in many ways, a form of unnecessary castration, with the strict exceptions for treatment of cancerous or life-threatening conditions. When other hospitals have their patients “unnecessarily” undergo hysterectomy to treat benign conditions, though it solves their immediate concerns and problems, but it inadvertently invites several serious health and mental complications that are lifelong. Women all over the world are blindly…

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The Best Uterine Fibroid Treatment To Prevent Recurrent Miscarriages

Overview Antai hospital uses a 3D hysteroscopy to diagnose and remove uterine fibroids on the middle and the outermost layer of the uterus wall to stop recurrent miscarriages. The middle layer is called the myometrium, and fibroids grown on it are intramural fibroids. The outermost layer is called the perimetrium, and fibroids grown on it are subserous fibroids. Having intramural…

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Chromosomal Abnormality of Parents

Does Chromosomal Abnormality Cause Miscarriage? No, chromosomal abnormalities do not cause recurrent miscarriages. Having chromosome abnormality does not mean that you are unhealthy and unable to have healthy pregnancies. This article will explain to you why your recurrent miscarriages are not related to chromosome abnormalities while also discussing the different types of chromosomal abnormalities. Right before the formation of an…

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Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy is an ineffective treatment for immunomiscarriages

Lymphocyte immunization therapy (LIT), also known as paternal immunizatoin is a treatment method that is supposedly used to treat immunological miscarriage. Although there is various mechanism for this treatment, they generally revolve around the concept of acquiring the paternal lymphocytes from whole blood and injected into the mother’s bloodstream, otherwise known as the immunization of the mother with paternal lymphocytes.…

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Human Leukocyte Antigen has no correlation for the diagnosis of recurrent miscarriage

Many doctors hypothesize that HLA mediated activity plays an important role in the occurrence of recurrent immunological miscarriages. HLA theory suggests that women with a history of recurrent miscarriages have a higher level of Human Leukocyte Antibody than normal.  These antibodies are the ones that target the fetus upon recognizing its paternal genetic component, signalling the mother’s immune which leads…

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Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies has no correlation with Recurrent Miscarriages

This article focuses on why the antiphospholipid antibodies and recurrent miscarriages are not correlated. As the name suggests, this type of antibodies targets the phospholipids in the membrane of cells, which triggers an autoimmune response, leading to conditions such as Lupus. This theory also suggests that it is the main contributing reason as to why recurrent miscarriages occur amongst a…

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Is IVF treatment effective for recurrent miscarriage?

Overview In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a type of assisted reproductive method, also the most widely used method in treating infertility by medical professionals all over the world. The procedure involves acquiring egg cells from the patient’s ovaries and performing fertilisation in the laboratory with sperm from her partner. After 2-6 days in the laboratory, the sample is then transferred into…

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How Does An Unexplained Recurrent Early Miscarriage Actually Happen?

Have you been told by your doctor that there is no apparent reason behind your unexplained recurrent early miscarriage? Was it really just bad luck? Antai Hospital believes that no condition or disorder is ever caused by an “unexplained” reason and this label only exists when medical professionals cannot explain it. We believe that there is always a scientific explanation behind…

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Does Induced Abortion Cause Recurrent Miscarriages

Induced abortion or induced miscarriage is the intentional ending of a pregnancy, performed by medical professionals in the first trimester and up to 28 weeks of pregnancy. Surgical abortion is performed by opening a widened cervix, where the fetus and its attachments (placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic sac, amniotic fluid etc.) are removed from the mother’s body. For pregnancies before week 10, abortion is done…

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Hysteroscopy is the safest method to terminate pregnancies

Overview There are many instances where a woman has to make the difficult decision to have an induced abortion, be it for personal or medical reasons. In such situations, it would be best to prioritize having an induced abortion via a hysteroscopy instead of dilatation and curettage (D&C) or vacuum aspiration so that you will not face the risk of…

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