Arcuate Uterus: A Mild Septate – Antai Hospital

Arcuate Uterus: Recurrent Miscarriage – Antai Hospital

Arcuate Uterus is a mild version of the more commonly known septate uterus. It is also a form of Mullerian Duct anomalies and a uterine malformation, distinctly it is considered very mild, and many experts do not think it poses any risks in reproductive failures or pregnancy losses. Based on the widely accepted classification of the Mullerian abnormalities by the American Fertility Society, the arcuate uterus is thought to have no or minimal influence on the reproductive outcome, which means that it may be a variation of normal uterine anatomy not necessitating further treatment. However, here in Antai Hospital, with over 25 years of experience, we take it as seriously as a septate because it also carries the same risk of high-risk pregnancies, but it is much more difficult to properly identify.

This form of malformation is characterized by a mild indentation on the uterine fundus towards the uterine cavity and occurs during early embryogenesis in which there is a failure in the fusion of the Mullerian Ducts.

Associated Risks

  • Early miscarriage
  • Premature Birth
  • Uterine Bleeding
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Infertility (severe ones)

The above pregnancy failures occur due to the embryo implanting on the septum itself, although mild, it still carries consequences. The septum is mostly consisting of connective tissues which carry very few blood vessels, which means the implanted embryo will not thrive and sustain for long, leading to the pregnancy loss to occur inevitably.


Diagnosis of an arcuate uterus, much like any other uterine anomaly is done using Hysterosalpingography as the gold standard. Other diagnostics include:

  • Transvaginal ultrasound
  • MRI
  • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
  • 4D Color Doppler Ultrasound


Here at Antai Hospital, with our years of expertise, we can effectively correct an arcuate with a surgical procedure: Hysteroscopic Correction. Our surgeons will expertly remove the excess septum completely, for the purpose of restoring a healthy uterine volume and shape (Pear- Shape Size). Upon recovery within 3 months, patient can be conceiving and have full term healthy pregnancies with zero risk of miscarriage associated with the septum. Get in touch with us today!

Antai Hospital’s Commitment

Antai Hospital’s full refund policy for the miscarriage prevention treatments we provide should already be the best guarantee for a healthy pregnancy. Patients should rest assured, can and should go about their everyday life, focusing their diet on vegetables, beans, celery, and other fiber-rich foods. Besides that, an active lifestyle of yoga and swimming should also be incorporated to help relieve stress and increase blood circulation, which is beneficial for the fetus’s development and the mother’s health. With our assurance, a healthy lifestyle, and peace of mind, you can go through a healthy pregnancy with no complications.

Recurrent miscarriages are no doubt a heavy blow to the patient’s physical and mental health. All we can do is to help ease the burden and decrease your trauma, to slowly help you overcome the anxiety with the love and care that we provide at Antai Hospital.

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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