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HPV Infections and Treatment

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is a group of viruses that have non-enveloped DNA, which specifically infects human epithelial cells. They are further classified according to what type of epithelial cells they prefer to infect i.e., Cutaneous Epithelial Cells (Skin, face, feet, etc) & Mucous membranes (Respiratory Tract, Oral Cavity, Anogenital Region, etc.) HPV infections are more common than you think.…

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Hyperemesis Gravidarum and M1 receptors

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is known to be caused by the central sensitization of the sensory nervous system. This originates from the vomiting zone, also known as the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) in the medulla oblongata, in the brainstem. Dr. Fenglin Chen has discovered that the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is closely related to the occurrence of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, where…

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The nature of Hyperemesis and why it is so difficult to treat.

We would like to clarify a very important aspect regarding the treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) using our HCG-Desensitizer. For some, it may be difficult to believe there exists such a treatment that can guarantee recovery from HG. What Dr. Chen (inventor of the HG treatment here in Beijing) specifically means when he says his HCG Desensitizer is effective, is…

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Recurrent miscarriage causes long term post-traumatic stress

Due to a history of multiple miscarriages, some patients start developing a form of long-term post-traumatic stress/fear towards miscarrying again in subsequent pregnancies. During pregnancies, these women experience hallucinations, and panic attacks so severe, it could be called hysteria. Their past miscarriages have made them mentally fragile and fearful towards what might be, constantly on edge and tensed during their pregnancies, constantly focusing…

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Can Heparin & Aspirin be used to treat blood insufficiency recurrent miscarriage?

This article focuses on how several hospitals and medical institutions administer a common but ineffective preventive treatment used for blood-insufficiency recurrent miscarriage, which is the administration of Heparin and Aspirin to the patient, with the intention of reducing the blood-insufficiency via anti-coagulation. What are the causes of a Blood-Insufficiency Miscarriage? Listed below are the organic disease conditions that can potentially…

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Hysterectomy Recovery: Remedies for the side-effects of Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is, in many ways, a form of unnecessary castration, with the strict exceptions for treatment of cancerous or life-threatening conditions. When other hospitals have their patients “unnecessarily” undergo hysterectomy to treat benign conditions, though it solves their immediate concerns and problems, but it inadvertently invites several serious health and mental complications that are lifelong. Women all over the world are blindly…

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The Best Uterine Fibroid Treatment To Prevent Recurrent Miscarriages

Overview Antai hospital uses a 3D hysteroscopy to diagnose and remove uterine fibroids on the middle and the outermost layer of the uterus wall to stop recurrent miscarriages. The middle layer is called the myometrium, and fibroids grown on it are intramural fibroids. The outermost layer is called the perimetrium, and fibroids grown on it are subserous fibroids. Having intramural…

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Chromosomal Abnormality of Parents

Does Chromosomal Abnormality Cause Miscarriage? No, chromosomal abnormalities do not cause recurrent miscarriages. Having chromosome abnormality does not mean that you are unhealthy and unable to have healthy pregnancies. This article will explain to you why your recurrent miscarriages are not related to chromosome abnormalities while also discussing the different types of chromosomal abnormalities. Right before the formation of an…

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Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy is an ineffective treatment for immunomiscarriages

Lymphocyte immunization therapy (LIT), also known as paternal immunizatoin is a treatment method that is supposedly used to treat immunological miscarriage. Although there is various mechanism for this treatment, they generally revolve around the concept of acquiring the paternal lymphocytes from whole blood and injected into the mother’s bloodstream, otherwise known as the immunization of the mother with paternal lymphocytes.…

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Human Leukocyte Antigen has no correlation for the diagnosis of recurrent miscarriage

Many doctors hypothesize that HLA mediated activity plays an important role in the occurrence of recurrent immunological miscarriages. HLA theory suggests that women with a history of recurrent miscarriages have a higher level of Human Leukocyte Antibody than normal.  These antibodies are the ones that target the fetus upon recognizing its paternal genetic component, signalling the mother’s immune which leads…

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