Adenomyosis & Recurrent Early Miscarriage: No Hysterectomy – Antai Hospital

Adenomyosis and Recurrent Early Miscarriage


Every month, the innermost layer of your uterus (endometrium) will thicken and shed, and that is how menstruation happens. Adenomyosis is a uterine condition where the cells and tissues that were supposed to thicken on your endometrium end up growing in the middle layer of the uterus (myometrium) instead. We call these wrongly situated cells and tissues “lesions.” These lesions remain stuck in the myometrium and start accumulating monthly. 

These lesions will obstruct uterine blood flow, and during pregnancy, they will compete with the embryo for space, nutrients, and blood. For milder cases, it can lead to the baby being born smaller than normal. However, it is very common for early miscarriages as the lesions quickly outcompete the embryo. 


Adenomyosis can also result in complications such as Endometriosis and Chocolate Cyst.

Miscarriage and induced abortion may cause the development of Anti-embryonic Antibodies that will lead to recurrent early miscarriage. 

(Layer 2 Hidden) Symptoms of Adenomyosis 

Symptoms of Adenomyosis include: 

  • Extreme period pain (primary symptom)
  • Prolonged and heavy periods
  • Vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain during early pregnancy
  • Recurrent miscarriage

Diagnosis of Adenomyosis 

Antai hospital provides the following diagnostic tests on a case-by-case basis.

Diagnostic Test 1: Panoramic 4D Color Doppler Ultrasound 

It is an advanced B-Scan, with the added function of wide-angle, allowing for easy observation of diseases within the uterus. With ultrasound, doctors can directly diagnose Adenomyosis by checking for lesions.

Diagnostic Test 2:  3D Dynamic Hysterosalpingography (HSG) 

An HSG is a type of x-ray examination that can check for the shape of the uterus. Instead of a standard pear shape, the uterus of a patient with Adenomyosis is most likely to be big and round.

Diagnostic Test 3:  CA125 (Blood Test)

A CA125 blood test can measure the local hormone levels. Adenomyosis is associated with an enlarged uterus. The greater the enlargement of the uterine size, the greater the rise of CA125 levels. 

Diagnostic Test 4: Complete Blood Count (Blood Test) 

A complete blood count can check for anemia as Adenomyosis results in prolonged and heavy periods.

(Layer 1 Open) Treatment of Adenomyosis 

Adenomyosis treatment does not require a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), neither is it recommended. 

Antai hospital provides the following treatment for Adenomyosis. 

Note that the procedure can only be done on patients who are not pregnant.

3D Laparoscopic Surgery

  1. Before the surgery, the doctors at Antai hospital will accurately spot all lesions using laparoscopic ultrasonography. 
  2. During the surgery, doctors will remove all lesions with 3D laparoscopic surgery. The 3D function allows for better precision.

Post- Treatment Recovery

In general, the uterus will take 6 to 12 months to recover into a standard size. Depending on the scale of the surgery, patients should be able to get pregnant between 6 to 24 months after surgery.

There is no need to worry about any uterine ruptures after the surgery because the uterus is made of smooth muscles that self-regenerate. The surgery uses absorbable suture thread designed to withstand high strain and pressure. 

Antai hospital’s “414” Surgical Treatment Systems

Antai hospital is committed to treating Adenomyosis without the need for a hysterectomy. Medical staff at Antai hospital follows a “414” therapy system for effective Adenomyosis treatment (applicable only to non-pregnant women).  

4 Yesses

Yes to accepting all Adenomyosis cases regardless of:

  • Size of lesions
  • Location of lesions
  • Quantity of lesions
  • Patient’s age

1 Always

  • Always remove all lesions with 3D laparoscopy as it is minimally invasive while providing the best accuracy and effectiveness. 

4 Nos

  • No hysterectomy 
  • No external blood transfusion 
  • No recurrence of lesions 
  • No open surgery

Antai Hospital’s Philosophy 

Antai hospital specializes in the prevention and treatment of recurrent miscarriages. The hospital believes that the first step to effective treatment is a clear and thorough diagnosis. Each year, about 400-500 couples who received treatment at Antai hospital went on to have healthy full-term pregnancies. 

Antai hospital offers contractual treatment with a full refund policy for early and late miscarriages. Please email us at [email protected] for more information.

Antai Hospital’s Commitment

Antai Hospital’s full refund policy for the miscarriage prevention treatments we provide should already be the best guarantee for a healthy pregnancy. Patients should rest assured, can and should go about their everyday life, focusing their diet on vegetables, beans, celery, and other fiber-rich foods. Besides that, an active lifestyle of yoga and swimming should also be incorporated to help relieve stress and increase blood circulation, which is beneficial for the fetus’s development and the mother’s health. With our assurance, a healthy lifestyle, and peace of mind, you can go through a healthy pregnancy with no complications.

Recurrent miscarriages are no doubt a heavy blow to the patient’s physical and mental health. All we can do is to help ease the burden and decrease your trauma, to slowly help you overcome the anxiety with the love and care that we provide at Antai Hospital.

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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