Adenomyosis Novel Treatment: Pregnancy After Treatment – Antai Hospital

Adenomyosis Novel Treatment: Apoptotic Agents

Adenomyosis is regarded as a disease of the endo-myometrial junction defined by the presence of hetero-topic endometrial glands and stroma in the myometrium. Migration of endometrial cells into the myometrium is accompanied by a varying degree of muscular hyper-tropia. AD should be understood as a two-component disease consisting of an element of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma and a second element of muscular change (hypertropia, hyperplasia, and fibrosis)

The diagnosis of AD is made by histopathology. The increased  resolution  of  transvaginal  ultrasonography (TVS), 3D-ultrasonography (3D-TVS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has made it possible to perform an image diagnosis of AD, and to clearly display the endomyometrial junction. The inner myometrium adjacent to the endometrium, or junctional zone (JZ), is normally displayed as a thin hypo-echoic zone by TVS and a low signal band adjacent to the endometrium by MRI. Adenomyosis of the uterus is most often diagnosed in the classical form in the fourth or fifth decades of life, based on the classical symptoms of dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. The classical form of AD is described with-out endometriosis. However, recent studies have revealed that  AD  can  coexist  with  endometriosis  in  younger women, indicating a common pathogenesis, and AD has  been  suggested  to  cause  implantation  failure  in younger women with endometriosis. Infertility is a less frequent complaint in the classic form, but because more women delay their pregnancy until their late 30s or 40s, the relation between AD and infertility is becoming increasingly relevant.

The clinical presentation of adenomyosis includes pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, and infertility, but its symptomatology is not specific and may overlap with other gynecological diseases like endometriosis and leiomyomas, thus hampering preoperative diagnosis. Imaging techniques, such as transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, have led to major advances, allowing new conservative treatments to be developed for adenomyosis. However, the gold standard for its diagnosis is still histological examination after surgery. Endometriosis and adenomyosis are closely linked diseases, their rate of coexistence varying according to the endometriosis phenotype involved.

Effect of adenomyosis on reproductive outcomes

Adenomyosis affects fertility especially a pregnancy, causing what we deem as a blood-insufficiency miscarriage. The lack of sufficient bloodflow means less oxygen and nutrients to the developing pregnancy. Furthermore, it causes significant impairment in the implantation of the embryo and can develop into infertility over time if left treated for years.

Antais Novel Treatment With Moneyback-Guarantee

At Antai, we now forgo treatments technique of the past which includes the surgical removal of adenomyomas and most especially hysterectomy, which is a draconian and unnecessary form of treatment. We instead use a superior approach in the effective removal of adenomyomas, which is in essence the complete elimination of this disease, and can ensure natural pregnancy upon full recovery post-treatment. We make use of apoptotic agents that are specific to these displaced adenomyomas, causing them to undergo cell-death, and patient’s can see the elimination of the dreaded menses pains. Our treatment deals with the root cause and requires no further dependence on any medication nor will you need additional medications.

This surgery is conducted by our surgeons via 3D laparoscopic surgery, and in a minimally way, injecting the apoptotic agents in every single identified adenomyoma, Since there is no surgery conducted on the uterus, there is zero risk of uterine rupture during pregnancy, which is a common shortcoming of uterine surgery of Adenomyosis or any other extensive surgery of the uterus.

This treatment comes with a full refund guaranteed only available at Antai Hospital.

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