About Immunological Miscarriage: Explained – Antai Hospital

About Immunological Recurrent Miscarriage 

Immunological recurrent miscarriage is caused by the woman’s body mistaking the partner’s chromosome 2* as a foreign protein that needs to be expelled from the body. This happens mostly in women that had an induced or voluntary abortion before, and now wants to conceive with the same man again. 

During the voluntary abortion, doctors have to scrap the uterus (womb) lining to ensure that no attachments are left inside. While scraping, it is common that the uterine veins get damaged, leaving it exposed. If the partner’s chromosome 2 is present when the uterine veins are exposed, the chromosome 2 would get absorbed into the bloodstream. As a result, the woman’s body would produce antinuclear antibodies (ANA)** to fight off the partner’s chromosome 2 that entered through the uterine veins, as an immunity reaction. This occurs because our immune system naturally produces ANAs to fight off foreign proteins (AKA, the male’s chromosome 2) that are present in our bodies. 

Hence, when a woman tries to conceive with the same partner again, her body’s natural reaction is to expel the embryo out of the womb because it contains the same chromosome 2 that her body already has immunity against, due to the ANA produced previously.

There are also cases where immunity recurrent miscarriage occurs due to engaging in sexual intercourse while menstruating (or right before menstruation). Sometimes, sperm enter through the opened uterine veins and the same process as mentioned above happens. There have also been cases whereby the uterine veins are exposed during a cesarean, and the child’s cells enter the mother’s body. As the child’s cells also contain the father’s chromosome 2, the mother’s body would produce ANA as an immunity reaction as well.

However, those cases are few and far between, and majority of immunological recurrent miscarriages are due to induced or voluntary abortions. 

Essentially, this condition happens because the patient’s body already has ANA against the male’s chromosome 2, and this ANA was produced when the male’s chromosome 2 entered the patient’s body through exposed uterine veins. Hence, every time the woman gets pregnant with the same man, the woman’s body would naturally expel it out. 

*chromosome 2 is the second largest human chromosome, essential for making proteins.

However, with Antai Hospital’s medical breakthrough discovery of the cause and treatment for immuno-RSA, this condition is now detectable, preventable and treatable with a success rate of 95%. This treatment is internationally patented, recognized by leading institutions and comes with a full refund guarantee at Antai.

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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