A heartwarming story of a recurrent miscarriage patient – Antai Hospital

This is a story of a patient suffering from recurrent miscarriage. She herself was a doctor, however she was unable to find nor receive effective treatment and solution to her fertility issues. Having watched many of Dr Chen’s patient consultations videos, she was immediately interested in seeking one for herself. In fact, Dr Chen is the only doctor that she had encountered that was able to explain the cause behind her recurrent miscarriage and offer her treatment that overcame her obstacles and allowed her to have children of her own.

This patient’s story begins with her marriage in December 2014. Both her and her partner were anxious to have kids early, while they are still young. This is common culture within China, to have kids early and have time to grow old with your children grown up, and the recovery from pregnancy is not as taxing when you are young. However, after 2 years of marriage, their hopes, and dreams of starting a family has yet to begin with still having no children.

Unexpectedly and surprisingly, she found out that she was pregnant for the first time in 2016. This was exciting news for the couple; however, it was immediately met with unfortunate news. Upon an ultrasound check-up, the gestational sac was found to be empty, no presence of fetal pole. The classified as a fetal demise miscarriage. Her doctor was not too alarmed and explained that it was “normal” and “these things happen”. She was demoralized and traumatized, the pain was indescribable.

A year later, she got pregnant once again. This time she was prescribed progestin to preserve and maximize chances of a successful pregnancy. However, the HCG levels were not rising over time               as it should be. Her doctors gave her consistent and even increasing dosages, still to no avail. Her doctors did not find the underlying cause for the pregnancy loss, only explaining that some women are just not meant to be mothers. Once again, the couple was devastated and heartbroken, with the patient breaking down in tears. She began doubting herself, whether if she was fit to be a mother.

Soon after, her and her husband began their journey of finding the cause behind their 2 consecutive miscarriages. Undergoing several diagnostic examinations and evaluations, going to several OBGYN doctors and hospitals, with none finding a cause behind the pregnancy losses. All they found out was that her blood and hormonal profile were all normal, and her menstrual cycle was regular as well. However, she could not bear to take the risk of another pregnancy loss, she had to find out the cause, otherwise she would not get pregnant again. Under family pressures, she decided to take on traditional Chinese medicines and was consistently taking Chinese herbs, that she hoped could solve her miscarriage issue and give her a baby. At the same time, they were saving up for a potential IVF that they might need. It was only later that they found out that IVF would not help them, since they are not suffering from chromosomal abnormality, infertility, or sperm quality related conditions. If they still went for IVF, it would just be a waste of money and time, with the result being another miscarriage.

In October 2019, she got pregnant for the third time. At the time she had already been referred to Beijing Antai Hospital as a hospital that specializes in management of recurrent miscarriage. She was far too distant from Beijing and did not consider it as an option. As expected, history repeats itself, with the 3rd pregnancy ending in a fetal demise, with low levels of HCG once again. Things were getting worse, and depression struck for the patient, blow after blow. She began considering adoption but was rejected by her husband as they were both still in their peak and fertile years. Whenever she would bump into pregnant women, whether if they were strangers or friends, it would always cause her to drop tears. She began isolating herself, with the depression worsening. She would even go as far as deliberately stealing infant clothing from baby showers of friends & family, because as Chinese superstition states, this act would mean you would get pregnant soon after.

In 2020, after both physical and mental recovery, the couple arrived at Beijing Antai Hospital as a final resort. She was diagnosed with a septate uterus with an underlying immunity factor (anti-embryonic antibodies). She was recommended immediate surgery using hysteroscopic cold knife separation and administered with Antai’s patented immunotherapy.

After the surgery, very quickly, on the 3rd of January 2021, she found out she was pregnant. This time she was hopeful! However, her HCG levels were still low as before, causing her to breakdown once more. Antai Hospital doctors then began additional administration of the immunotherapy via injections, which soon caused her HCG levels to stabilize and continue rising, signifying a healthy pregnancy.

On the 27th of October 2021, she welcomed her little angel to the world. Antai Hospital is considered the leading expert within the field of miscarriage and pregnancy related complications, that offers a full contractual treatment with money-back guarantee if another miscarriage happens again. For all women going through similar difficult journeys, Antai hospital is committed to making your dreams of starting a healthy family come true.

Antai Hospital’s Commitment

Antai Hospital’s full refund policy for the miscarriage prevention treatments we provide should already be the best guarantee for a healthy pregnancy. Patients should rest assured, can and should go about their everyday life, focusing their diet on vegetables, beans, celery, and other fiber-rich foods. Besides that, an active lifestyle of yoga and swimming should also be incorporated to help relieve stress and increase blood circulation, which is beneficial for the fetus’s development and the mother’s health. With our assurance, a healthy lifestyle, and peace of mind, you can go through a healthy pregnancy with no complications.

Recurrent miscarriages are no doubt a heavy blow to the patient’s physical and mental health. All we can do is to help ease the burden and decrease your trauma, to slowly help you overcome the anxiety with the love and care that we provide at Antai Hospital.

Trust in Antai Hospital and trust in yourself, your pregnancy is our priority.

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