3D Laparoscopy for Uterine Fibroid Removal during Pregnancy

3D Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgery in Antai Hospital. It is also an assistant surgical device that can perform the diagnosis and at the same time, treatment of pelvic cavity diseases. In this article, we will focus on the surgical removal of uterine fibroids using this method.

There are three types of fibroids:

  • intramural fibroid  (the fibroids grow within the muscle wall of your uterus) 
  • submucosal fibroid  (the fibroids grow outward from your uterus into your pelvic cavity)
  • subserosal fibroid  (the fibroids grow into your uterus) 

To protect your uterus from removal, Antai Hospital performs 3D laparoscopy to remove your uterine fibroids altogether.

How uterine fibroids affect the development of embryos?

Submucosal fibroid and subserosal fibroid can cause blood insufficiency miscarriages. Submucosal fibroids are also the most likely to lead to miscarriage and fertility problems. People with submucosal fibroids sometimes experience heavy menstrual bleeding and long periods. The reason why is because of the types of fibroids:

  • Competition for nutrition with your embryo
  • Competition for the uterine growth space with your embryo
  • Competition and obstruction of uterine blood flow with the embryo

Why should you have 3D Laparoscopy at Antai Hospital?

1. Antai Hospital promises a full refund policy for patients with uterine fibroids. Antai Hospital removes your uterine fibroids under 3D laparoscopy regardless of the patient’s age, size, number, and fibroids position. This 3D laparoscopic surgery does not remove your uterus and open up your abdominal or uses external blood transfusion with no recurrence. Learn more about our 414 Protocol for fibroid removals.

2. Antai Hospital has an autologous blood transfusion machine, which can reduce the risk of transmission of infection, reduce the risk of transfusion reaction and allow safer transfusion in your body with rare blood groups and multiple auto-antibodies.

3. Antai Hospital has 3D Laparoscopic Ultrasonography, which can clearly observe the locations of your fibroids, even the less obvious fibroids that are hidden.

4. The philosophy of Antai Hospital is a full refund policy against hysterectomy (removal of your uterus). so we will protect your uterus from removal to the best of our capabilities.

Antai Hospital specializes in treating recurrent miscarriage and infertility. The 3D laparoscopy will help diagnose and remove uterine fibroids to prevent miscarriage and infertility. It has helped over 34,000 couples so far. Call us today for more consultations.

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