3D Laparoscopic Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy

What is Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy, also known as extrauterine pregnancy, is when the fertilized egg has trouble passing through a damaged tube, causing the egg to implant and grow outside of the uterus. Antai Hospital prevents female reproductive organ removal and has different ways to treat ectopic pregnancy.

An untreated ectopic pregnancy can be a life-threatening emergency. The fertilized egg can implant in neither one of your fallopian tubes, which is called a tubal pregnancy. 96% of ectopic pregnancies are tubal pregnancies. The fertilized egg may also implant on one of your ovaries or your cervix, on your uterine horn, even in your abdomen (rare case).

Causes of ectopic pregnancy

Like many other illnesses, several factors can contribute to ectopic pregnancy, such as:

  • uterine malformation (septate uterus and infantile uterus)
  • pelvic adhesion
  • blocked fallopian tubes (obstruction of the fallopian tube)
  • fallopian tube adhesion
  • intrauterine device (IUD)

Those medical conditions can cause not only miscarriage but also ectopic pregnancy, even permanent infertility in the end.

Treatment options for ectopic pregnancy at Antai Hospital
  1. remove the embryo under 3D laparoscopy and transfer the embryo into your uterus. We call it “Natural IVF.”
  2. remove the embryo under 3D laparoscopy from a cut on your fallopian tube, insert a fallopian tube stent to prevent tubal adhesion after removal of the embryo
  3. find out the real cause of your ectopic pregnancy and undergo necessary treatment accordingly

The uterine malformation can not have the first treatment because the malformed uterine cavity is not good for developing the embryo.

Antai Hospital recommends you have 3D laparoscopy to remove the embryo and undergo primary treatment if the above medical condition caused your ectopic pregnancy. Otherwise, you will likely have another ectopic pregnancy if you left the medical condition untreated.

Your doctor may prescribe you a medication to stop the embryo from growing and tell you the embryo will be absorbed by your body, but the truth is your body won’t be able to absorb the paternal genes, the paternal gene will form to scar and cause fallopian tube adhesion, there is no different from removal of your fallopian tube together with the embryo when you firstly diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy.

Removing any part of your female reproductive organ will cause irreversible damage to your body. Antai Hospital against any form of female reproductive organ removal. When you still desire to have a baby in the future, removing your fallopian, ovary, or cervix will cause miscarriage and lower at least 50% of your fertility. It may even cause lifelong infertility in severe conditions.

Antai Hospital is the only private hospital that offers a 414 therapy system for treating ectopic pregnancy. Antai Hospital uses 3D laparoscopy to remove the embryo or transfer the embryo into your uterus to continue your pregnancy regardless of the size, location, number of the embryo, and age. Antai Hospital also promises no laparotomy, no female reproductive organ removal, no external blood transfusion, and no recurrence after the surgery. Please find out more about our special MedTech on our website.

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